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Newton’s Experiments with Light. Electomagnetic Waves.

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1 Newton’s Experiments with Light

2 Electomagnetic Waves

3 Properties of Waves: Frequency and Wavelength


5 Share Question Radio waves have a) high energy and long wavelength b) low energy and long wavelength c) low energy and short wavelength d) high energy and short wavelength.

6 Telescopes Yerkes Refractor Arecibo Radio Disk Mauna Kea Hubble Space Telescope

7 Resolution of Telescopes

8 Sensitivity of Telescopes

9 The Earth’s Shroud The Earth’s atmosphere acts to “screen” out certain kinds, or bands, of light. Visible light and radio waves penetrate the atmosphere easiest; the IR somewhat. Most other bands are effectively blocked out. Consequently, telescopes are built at high altitude or placed in space to access these otherwise inaccessible bands.

10 Transparency of the Atmosphere

11 Transmission with Altitude


13 Flux of Light Light carries energy (e.g., perceived warmth from sunlight) How does this energy propagate through space? And how does that relate to the apparent brightness of a source? “Flux” describes how light spreads out in space: with L=luminosity (or power), and d = distance, flux is Watts/square meter = J/s/m 2

14 The Inverse Square Law

15 Kirchoff’s Laws I.A hot solid, liquid, or dense gas produces a continuous spectrum of emission. II.A thin gas seen against a cooler background produces a bright line or emission line spectrum. III.A thin gas seen against a hotter source of continuous radiation produces a dark line or absorption line spectrum.

16 Kirchoff’s Laws: Illustrations

17 Blackbodies 1. A common approximation for the continuous spectrum produced by many astrophysical objects is that a blackbody (or Planckian). 2. A blackbody (BB) is a perfect absorber of all incident light. 3. BBs also emit light!

18 Temperature Scales

19 Temperatures of Note

20 Sample Blackbody Spectra

21 Atomic Physics Atoms composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons p and n in the nucleus e resides in a “cloud” around the nucleus m p /m n ~1 m p /m e ~2000 Protonsp+1mpmp Neutronsn0mnmn Electronsememe

22 The Bohr Atom

23 Atomic Energy Level Diagram

24 Share Question A hot, glowing, opaque solid, liquid or gas emits which type of spectrum? a) Continuous. b) Emission lines. c) Absorption lines.

25 Interaction of Matter and Light Absorption: Occurs when a photon of the correct energy moves an electron from a lower orbit to an upper orbit. Emission: Occurs when an electron drops from an upper orbit to a lower one, thereby ejecting a photon of corresponding energy Ionization: Occurs when a photon knocks an electron free from the atom Recombination: Capture of a free electron

26 Absorption and Emission

27 Share Question Atoms of different elements have unique spectral lines because each element a) has atoms of a unique color b) has a unique set of neutrons c) has a unique set of electron orbits d) has unique photons e) none of the above; spectral lines are not unique to each type of atom.

28 The Gross Solar Spectrum Blackbody-likeBlackbody deviations

29 Thermal Motions of Particles in Gases

30 Doppler Shift The Doppler effect is a change in,, E of light when either or both the source and detector are moving toward or away from one another. So, this is a relative effect.

31 Illustration of the Doppler Effect

32 Composition of the Universe

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