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September 16,2003 MobiCom'03 University of Virginia 1 Range-Free Localization Schemes in Large Scale Sensor Networks Tian He Chengdu Huang Brian.

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1 September 16,2003 APIT @ MobiCom'03 University of Virginia 1 Range-Free Localization Schemes in Large Scale Sensor Networks Tian He Chengdu Huang Brian. M. Blum John A. Stankovic Tarek F. Abdelzaher Department of Computer Science, University of Virginia

2 September 16,2003 APIT @ MobiCom'03 University of Virginia 2 Outline Problem Statement State of the Art Motivation & Contribution A.P.I.T. Algorithm Details Evaluation Conclusion

3 September 16,2003 APIT @ MobiCom'03 University of Virginia 3 Problem Statement Localization Problem: –How nodes discover their geographic positions in 2D or 3D space? Target Systems: –Static large scale sensor networks or one with a low mobility Goal: –An affordable solution suitable for large-scale deployment with a precision sufficient for many sensor applications.

4 September 16,2003 APIT @ MobiCom'03 University of Virginia 4 State of the Art (1) Range-based Fine-grained localizations –TOA (Time of Arrival ): GPS –TDOA (Time Difference of Arrival): MIT Cricket & UCLA AHLos –AOA (Angle of Arrive ): Aviation System and Rutgers APS –RSSI (Receive Signal Strength Indicator) : Microsoft RADAR and UW SpotOn Required Expensive hardware Limited working range ( Dense anchor requirement) Log-normal model doesn ’ t hold well in practice [D. Ganesan]

5 September 16,2003 APIT @ MobiCom'03 University of Virginia 5 State of the Art (2) Range-Free Coarse-grained localization –USC/ISI Centroid localization –Rutgers DV-Hop Localization –MIT Amorphous Localization –AT&T Active Badge Simple hardware/ Less accuracy

6 September 16,2003 APIT @ MobiCom'03 University of Virginia 6 Motivation High precision in sensor network localization is overkill for a lot of applications. Large scale deployment require cost-effective solutions. Routing Delivery Ratio Entity Tracking Time Under different localization Error ( % Radio Range)

7 September 16,2003 APIT @ MobiCom'03 University of Virginia 7 Contributions A novel range-free algorithm with enhanced performance under irregular radio patterns and random node placement with a much smaller overhead than flooding based solutions The first to provide a realistic and detailed quantitative comparison of existing range-free algorithms. First investigation into the effect of localization accuracy on application performance

8 September 16,2003 APIT @ MobiCom'03 University of Virginia 8 Overview of APIT Algorithm APIT employs a novel area-based approach. Anchors divide terrain into triangular regions A node’s presence inside or outside of these triangular regions allows a node to narrow the area in which it can potentially reside. The method to do so is called Approximate Point In Triangle Test (APIT). Out IN

9 September 16,2003 APIT @ MobiCom'03 University of Virginia 9 APIT Main Algorithm Pseudo Code: Receive beacons (X i,Y i ) from N anchors N anchors form triangles. For ( each triangle T i Є ){ InsideSet  Point-In-Triangle-Test (T i ) } Position = COG ( ∩Ti  InsideSet); For each node Anchor Beaconing Individual APIT Test Triangle Aggregation Center of Gravity Estim.

10 September 16,2003 APIT @ MobiCom'03 University of Virginia 10 Point-In-Triangle-Test For three anchors with known positions: A(a x,a y ), B(b x,b y ), C(c x,c y ), determine whether a point M with an unknown position is inside triangle ∆ABC or not. B(b x,b y ) C(c x,c y ), A(a x,a y ) M

11 September 16,2003 APIT @ MobiCom'03 University of Virginia 11 Perfect P.I.T Theory If there exists a direction in which M is departure from points A, B, and C simultaneously, then M is outside of ∆ABC. Otherwise, M is inside ∆ABC. Require approximation for practical use –Nodes can’t move, how to recognize direction of departure –Exhaustive test on all directions is impractical

12 September 16,2003 APIT @ MobiCom'03 University of Virginia 12 Departure Test Recognize directions of departure via neighbor exchange 1.Receiving Power Comparison ( the solution we adopt) 2.Smoothed Hop Distance Comparison ( Nagpal 1999 MIT) Experimental Result from Berkeley Experiment Result from UVA

13 September 16,2003 APIT @ MobiCom'03 University of Virginia 13 A.P.I.T. Test Approximation: Test only directions towards neighbors –Error in individual test exists, however is relatively small and can be masked by APIT aggregation. APIT(A,B,C,M) = IN APIT(A,B,C,M) = OUT

14 September 16,2003 APIT @ MobiCom'03 University of Virginia 14 APIT Aggregation Aggregation provides a good accuracy, even results by individual tests are coarse and error prone. With a density 10 nodes/circle, Average 92% A.P.I.T Test is correct Average 8% A.P.I.T Test is wrong Localization Simulation example Grid-Based Aggregation High Possibility area Low possibility area

15 September 16,2003 APIT @ MobiCom'03 University of Virginia 15 Evaluation (1) Comparison with state-of-the art solutions –USC/ISI Centroid localization by N.Bulusu and J. Heidemann 2000 –Rutgers DV-Hop Localization by D.Niculescu and B. Nath 2003 –MIT Amorphous Localization by R. Nagpal 2003 Centroid DV-Hop (online)/ Amorphous (offline)

16 September 16,2003 APIT @ MobiCom'03 University of Virginia 16 Evaluation (2) Radio Model: Continuous Radio Variation Model. –Degree of Irregularity (DOI ) is defined as maximum radio range variation per unit degree change in the direction of radio propagation DOI =0 DOI = 0.05 DOI = 0.2 α

17 September 16,2003 APIT @ MobiCom'03 University of Virginia 17 Simulation Setup Setup –1000 by 1000m area –2000 ~ 4000 nodes ( random or uniform placement ) –10 to 30 anchors ( random or uniform placement ) –Node density: 6 ~ 20 node/ radio range –Anchor percentage 0.5~2% –90% confidence intervals are within in 5~10% of the mean Metrics –Localization Estimation Error ( normalized to units of radio range) –Communication Overhead in terms of #message

18 September 16,2003 APIT @ MobiCom'03 University of Virginia 18 Error Reduction by Increasing #Anchors AH=10~28,ND = 8, ANR = 10, DOI = 0 Placement = UniformPlacement = Random

19 September 16,2003 APIT @ MobiCom'03 University of Virginia 19 Error Reduction by Increasing Node Density AH=16, Uniform, AP = 0.6%~2%, ANR = 10 DOI=0.1DOI=0.2

20 September 16,2003 APIT @ MobiCom'03 University of Virginia 20 Error Under Varying DOI ND = 8, AH=16, AP = 2%, ANR = 10 Placement = UniformPlacement = Random

21 September 16,2003 APIT @ MobiCom'03 University of Virginia 21 Communication Overhead Centroid and APIT –Long beacons DV-Hop and Amorphous –Short beacons Assume: 1 long beacon = Range 2  short beacons = 100 short beacons APIT > Centroid –Neighborhood information exchange DV-Hop > Amorphous –Online HopSize estimation ANR=10, AH = 16, DOI = 0.1, Uniform

22 September 16,2003 APIT @ MobiCom'03 University of Virginia 22 Performance Summary CentroidDV-HopAmorphousAPIT Accuracy FairGood Node Density >0>8 >6 Anchor >10>8 >10 ANR >0 >3 DOI Good FairGood GPSError Good FairGood Overhead SmallestLargestLargeSmall

23 September 16,2003 APIT @ MobiCom'03 University of Virginia 23 Hermes Project @ UVA NEST Demo EnviroTrack Real-Time Routing QoS Scheduling Data Aggregation Lazy Binding MAC Sensing Coverage APIT Localization Mote Test Bed

24 September 16,2003 APIT @ MobiCom'03 University of Virginia 24 Conclusions Range-free schemes are cost-effective solutions for large scale sensor networks. Through a robust aggregation, APIT performs best with irregular radio patterns and random node placements APIT performs well with a low communication overhead( e.g. 2500 instead of 25,000 msgs)

25 September 16,2003 APIT @ MobiCom'03 University of Virginia 25 Questions? Thanks

26 September 16,2003 APIT @ MobiCom'03 University of Virginia 26 Error Case Since the number of neighbors is limited, an exhaustive test on every direction is impossible. – InToOut Error can happen when M is near the edge of the triangle –OutToIn Error can happen with irregular placement of neighbors PIT = IN while APIT = OUT PIT = OUT while APIT = IN

27 September 16,2003 APIT @ MobiCom'03 University of Virginia 27 Empirical Study on APIT Approximation Percentage of error due to APIT approximation is relatively small (e.g. 14% in the worst case, 8% when density is 10) More important, Errors can be masked by APIT aggregation. APIT Error under Varying Node Densities

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