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OPC Anticipated Operational Impacts During NESDIS CIP Invocation Fall 2009 COPC Meeting Allan Darling.

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Presentation on theme: "OPC Anticipated Operational Impacts During NESDIS CIP Invocation Fall 2009 COPC Meeting Allan Darling."— Presentation transcript:

1 OPC Anticipated Operational Impacts During NESDIS CIP Invocation Fall 2009 COPC Meeting Allan Darling

2 Action Item COPC Action Item 2009-1.4: CSAB will collect Operational Processing Center’s operational impacts during invocation of current NESDIS CIP capability, identify impacts that would be mitigated by a hot backup capability and report out to COPC Finding: While OPCs report some impact during CIP implementation the greatest impact is related to applications/products not backed-up in the current CIP. Recommendation: Close action item 2

3 NAVOCEANO Impacts MCSST processing will be minimally impacted during the time it takes the CIP to activate and provide the necessary 1b data to NAVO (less than 48 hours) Altimetry processing will be impacted in that delayed JASON ‐ 2 OGDR product delivery will adversely affect the wind/wave products we deliver to our customers Optics processing will be completely disabled as CIP does not support MODIS data If CIP were made a hot backup the only mitigation would be for the minimal impact to MCSST processing 3

4 NCEP Impacts  Model output degraded until CIP Phase 2  AMSU-A 1b Sounder Brightness Temperatures  AMSU-b 1lb Sounder Brightness Temperatures  MHS 1b Sounder Brightness Temperature  HIRS-3 1b Sounder Brightness Temperatures  HIRS-4 1b Sounder Brightness Temperatures  1x1 Field-of-View Cloud Data (Cloud Top Pressure, Temperature)  Model output degraded  AIRS amd AMSU-A Every Field-of-View 1b Sounder Brightness Temperatures  1x1 Field-of-View Satellite Soundings, Retrievals, Level 1c Sounder Brightness Temperatures 4

5 AFWA Impacts  Indirect impact since the UKMO model is the model of consistency. UKMO uses the following: NOAA IR and microwave radiances (HIRS and AMSU) DMSP microwave radiances (SSMI and SSMIS) Aqua IR radiances (AIRS) GOES-11 and -12 geostationary atmospheric motion vectors Terra and Aqua polar atmospheric motion vectors QuikSCAT and Coriolis scatterometer sea surface winds Snow-cover analysis NOAA vis and IR imagery (AVHRR) Will not receive lightning and radar data via NOAAPort Models utilize many sources of data to include NOAA polar orbiter-based microwave imaging data, high density GOES imagery as well as MODIS data. Loss of this data will degrade the performance of many AFWA-based models 5

6 AFWA Impacts – Cont.  Phased return of NESDIS products result in degraded production  Would not have a means of discriminating volcanic ash vs cloud/steam (MODIS is the best tool to use for this purpose - would like to see this added to the Phase 1- 2 list as appropriate) 6

7 AFWA Impacts – Cont. Following items in Phase 1.5 will affect operations. GFT (software) IASI (data) GRAS (data) ASCAT (data) GOME (data) Major impact would be to the global model which in turn will degrade the regional models based on the outage time 7

8 AFWA Impacts – Cont. Following items in Phase 2 will affect operations QuikSCAT AVHRR (GAC/LAC/HRPT) AMSU (A/B) Level 1b TRMM Family of Services? Ingest QuikSCAT (Level 2a/Level 2b?) QuikSCAT Ambiguity (Level 2a/Level 2b?) Loss of these data can be assessed as moderate impact 8

9 AFWA Impacts – Cont. Following items in Phase 3 will affect operations Polar Winds Outage will affect global model output and in turn impact the regional model output 9

10 AFWA Impacts – Cont. “The Following Applications Will Not Be Supported at the CIP Facility”, these items will affect operations. ASCAT IASI MODIS MODIS Lite ASCAT and IASI would affect the WRF model and loss of MODIS would impact CDFS-II Impact of these outages would be mitigated by the use of other data Loss of ASCAT and IASI would have a greater impact on the global model which in turn impacts the regional model 10

11 Applications Not Supported at ESPC CIP NPOESS Customer Forum – Aug 5, 2009 Okeanos OMI/SO2 Decoder Polar Vis/IR (AWIPS) Product Archive (NCDC) Profiler (Winds) PUFF Radar SNOW Water Equivalent Special Events (OSEI) Tropical Cyclone (AMSR-E) Volcano Multi-Spectral (Ellrod/CIRA) Volcano PCI ASCAT IASI MODIS MODIS Lite McIDAS SSMI/S AODT ASOS Soundings AutoSnow NA 1 km Global AutoSnow NH 4 km AutoSnow SH 4 km CATTS BRAMM Coastwatch / GIS DPI – Imager [West only] DPI – Sounder Genesis Parameter GIS Database Map Server Metadata/GEOTIFF Web Pages (Snow/Fire) Polar Winds HMS SAB GUI Interface HySPLIT IFFA w/ SHRAP cmd IMS SAB GUI Interface Ingestor/Remap (Kalpana) Ingestor/Remap (NOAA) JASON-2 Lightning Ingest McIDAS Local Code IA LPLOT (local code) NMC SHRAP (Local code) MODIS Data Retrieval (SSEC) Data Retrieval (NASA) Data Retrieval (AMSR-E) Remap (w/ correction) MODIS Fire Points MODIS Products PW/LI/KI MODIS Winds Server MODIS for IMS MODIS LVAP (VAAC) NAWIPS - SPIDER NGDC Fire Archive

12 Summary OPCs agree that temporary application/product loss during CIP implementation has impact that persists only until CIP is fully executed. OPCs will experience sustained impact during CIP from applications/products not included in CIP capability (see Non-CIP_Products in the background materials) 12

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