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Week March 30, 2015 – April 3, 2015 DECA NEWS: Career Fair on Friday! Take advantage of all the folks here to talk with you about your future! Meet in.

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Presentation on theme: "Week March 30, 2015 – April 3, 2015 DECA NEWS: Career Fair on Friday! Take advantage of all the folks here to talk with you about your future! Meet in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week March 30, 2015 – April 3, 2015 DECA NEWS: Career Fair on Friday! Take advantage of all the folks here to talk with you about your future! Meet in the Middle is April 22 – have you turned in your sheet so you can get your free t-shirt? Have you signed up for the Relay for Life? Turn in over $100 by April 10 for your free t-shirt! Sign up online! Due This Week: Chapter 6 Vocab & Review due Thursday Chapter 6 Test Thursday!

2  Early Work: What are Channels of Distribution?  Today’s Objective: Exploring Promotional Activities in MarketingExploring Promotional Activities in Marketing  Activities  Vocabulary Vocabulary  Chapter 6 - overview  Section 6.1 – Notes & PowerPoint  Assessment Questions – Page 153 - #1-5  Answer with table mate then share with class  Homework: Read Chapter 6 – Vocab & Review due Thursday! TEST is THURSDAY! ☞ Point of the Day: Distribution is your Place P. The greatest battle you wage against failure occurs on the inside, not the outside. Magical Monday Manners Moment

3  Early Work: What is included in Physical Distribution?  Today’s Objective: Exploring Promotional Activities in MarketingExploring Promotional Activities in Marketing  Activities  Section 6.2 – Notes & PowerPoint  Advertising – newspaper, radio, online, transit, billboard, social media  Advantages & disadvantages  What will you use in your business?  Create your advertising mix  Homework: Vocab & Review due Thursday. ☞ Point of the Day: Distribution of goods and services must be carefully planned for customer satisfaction. In order to achieve your dreams, you much embrace adversity and make failure a part of your life. Tough Tuesday – Name that Company

4  Early Work: What is the difference between advertising and publicity?  Today’s Objective: Exploring Promotional Activities in MarketingExploring Promotional Activities in Marketing  Activities  Section 6.3 – Notes & PowerPoint  Steps of the sale  Your Press Release – prepare this!  Assessment Questions Pg 168 - #1-3  Homework: Read Chapter 6 – Vocab & Review due Thursday! ☞ Point of the Day: All businesses must advertise. If you are not failing you are probably not really moving forward. Work Wear Wednesday & Role Play Day!

5  Early Work: Newspaper Day – The Free Lance Star What are the nine (9) types of advertising media?  Today’s Objective: Exploring Promotional Activities in MarketingExploring Promotional Activities in Marketing  Activities info to check out!  Check off Vocabulary & Review – Take TEST Today!  Your BYBPP – Chapter 6  Review of Activities  Work on Newspaper Ad, Radio Script, Billboard, & Social Media  COW in the Room  Homework: Career Fair Tomorrow! ☞ Point of the Day: Publicity is a nonpaid form of communication that calls attention to your business through media coverage. Adversity creates resilience. Throw Back Thursday – Share a Weird Fact today!

6  Early Work: What is Personal Selling?  Today’s Objective: Exploring Promotional Activities in MarketingExploring Promotional Activities in Marketing  Activities  TEST – Chapter 6 – Yesterday!!!  Finish work on Newspaper Ad, Radio Ad Script, Bill Board, and Social Media  Complete Reading and turn in summary  Journal – “My Favorite Commercial” – Be sure you leave your composition book in box for grading!!!  Homework: Work on your BYBPP ☞ Point of the Day: Satisfy the customer need to solve their problem! Adversity develops maturity. Foxes Friday - The Week’s Wrap-Up & Good News!

7  Distribution  Channels of Distribution  Direct Channel  Indirect Channel  Physical Distribution  Advertising  Publicity  Press Release  Public Relation  Personal Selling  Rational Buying Decisions  Emotional Buying Decisions  Sales Promotion  Rebate  Telemarketing Review Page 171 - #1-23 Due Thursday with vocabulary Vocabulary & Review Due THURSDAY TEST on FRIDAY!

8  Identify major promotional activities used in marketing and the benefits of each.  Explain the concept of a target market.  Create a customer profile.  Identify promotional methods for specific target markets.  Explain the concept of mass marketing. CTE Competencies Linked to SOLs

9 A business with no sign is a sign of no business! If you don’t tell people what you are doing, no one will ever know what you are doing! If you are attacking your market from multiple positions and your competition isn't, you have all the advantages and it will show up in your increased success and income. If you do build a great experience, customers tell each other about that. Word of mouth is very powerful. And must be in addition to Promotion.

10  R-E-S-P-E-C-T EVERYTHING!!!  Your supplies – bring your stuff every-day! Bring your book every-day! Bring your notebook & composition book every- day! Bring pen/paper/thinking cap/open mind ever-day!  Place all bags on floor under your table! Cell phones in bag!  Wait for Teacher instruction before beginning activity!  Passes out of Class - No Exit First 10/Last 10  One person out of room at a time  Pass Board– USE IT!  Keep it short!  Stay in your seat until you are dismissed from class – the bell tells Teacher when class is over; Teacher then dismisses you.  No talking while Teacher or others have the floor.  Watch your language and mind your manners, please.  All School Rules will be followed without question.

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