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Language: Turning Thoughts Into Words Notes will go on p. 66 of your NB.

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1 Language: Turning Thoughts Into Words Notes will go on p. 66 of your NB

2 Language → consists of symbols that convey meaning, plus rules for combining those symbols, that can be used for an infinite variety of messages

3 Properties of Language Language is symbolic- people use spoken sounds and written words to represent objects, actions, events and ideas. Language is symbolic- people use spoken sounds and written words to represent objects, actions, events and ideas. Language is semantic- it is meaningful. The symbols used in a language are arbitrary in that no built-in relationship exists between the look or sound of words and the objects they stand for. Language is semantic- it is meaningful. The symbols used in a language are arbitrary in that no built-in relationship exists between the look or sound of words and the objects they stand for. Language is generative- a limited number of symbols can be combined in an infinite variety of ways to generate an endless array of novel messages. Language is generative- a limited number of symbols can be combined in an infinite variety of ways to generate an endless array of novel messages. Language is structured- rules govern the arrangement of words into phrases and sentences; some arrangements are acceptable and some are not (“The swimmer jumped into the pool” vs. “Pool the into the jumped swimmer.”) Language is structured- rules govern the arrangement of words into phrases and sentences; some arrangements are acceptable and some are not (“The swimmer jumped into the pool” vs. “Pool the into the jumped swimmer.”)

4 The Structure of Language Phonemes → the smallest speech units in a language that can be distinguished perceptibly (the sounds of letters) Phonemes → the smallest speech units in a language that can be distinguished perceptibly (the sounds of letters) oThe English language is composed of about 40 phonemes, corresponding roughly to the 26 letters of the alphabet plus several variations (one letter can have more than one phoneme) Human language has a hierarchical structure. Basic sounds are combined into words with meaning, which are combined into phrases and then sentences.

5 Morphemes → the smallest units of meaning in a language Morphemes → the smallest units of meaning in a language oThere are approximately 50, 000 English morphemes, which include root words as well as prefixes and suffixes oExample- Words such as “unfriendly” consist of three morphemes- the prefix un, the root word friend, and the suffix ly

6 On p. 65 in your NB, rank the following words in order from positive to negative AFTER you are done, discuss your answers as a class Thin, slim, gaunt, lanky, skinny, slender Thin, slim, gaunt, lanky, skinny, slender Smart, geeky, nerdy, brainy, quick Smart, geeky, nerdy, brainy, quick Aggressive, assertive, domineering, dynamic, pushy, forceful Aggressive, assertive, domineering, dynamic, pushy, forceful Unattractive, plain, dull, ugly, homely Unattractive, plain, dull, ugly, homely

7 o Semantics → the area of language concerned with understanding the meaning of words and word combinations –A words meaning may consist of both its denotation, which is its dictionary definition, and its connotation, which includes its emotional overtones and secondary implications o Your answers to the questions on the previous slide had to do with semantics. All of those words had similar denotations but their connotations vary.

8 F E A R L E S S N E S S Phonemes (unit of sound) Morphemes (unit of meaning) ■■■■■■■■■ ■■■ Copy the word FEARLESSNESS onto page 65. Above it label each phoneme and state how many there are. Below it, label each morpheme and count state how many there are.

9 Language Questions Copy each of these questions onto page 65 and write the answers. 1) How many morphemes does the word “unfriendly” have? 2) How many phonemes does the word “shop” have? 3) How many morphemes does the word “teachers” have? 4) What does the word “mind” mean? 5) Based on the vocabulary you learned today, question #4 is a __________ question.

10 Syntax Syntax → a system of rules that specify how words can be arranged into sentences Syntax → a system of rules that specify how words can be arranged into sentences oSimple rule- a sentence must have both a noun phrase and a verb phrase oRules of syntax underlie all language use, even though you may not be aware of them

11 Milestones in Language Development First six months → baby’s vocalizations are dominated by crying cooing and laughter, which have limited means of communications

12 Babbling stage Babbling stage → beginning at age 3 or 4 months, stage of speech development in which the infant spontaneously utters various sounds at first unrelated to the household language Babbling stage → beginning at age 3 or 4 months, stage of speech development in which the infant spontaneously utters various sounds at first unrelated to the household language oBabbling gradually becomes more complex and increasingly resembles the language spoken by parents and others in the child’s environment oTrends reflect ongoing neural development and maturation of infant’s vocal apparatus oBabbling lasts until around 18 months, even after children utter their first words oAt around 10-13 months, most children begin to utter sounds that correspond to words

13 One-word stage → the stage in speech development, from about age 1 to 2, during which a child speaks mostly in single words One-word stage → the stage in speech development, from about age 1 to 2, during which a child speaks mostly in single words oDuring this stage, an inflected word may equal a sentence. “Doggy!” may mean “Look at the dog out there.”“Doggy!” may mean “Look at the dog out there.” oToddlers often make errors when learning new words: Overextension → occurs when a child incorrectly uses a word to describe a wider set of objects or actions than it is meant toOverextension → occurs when a child incorrectly uses a word to describe a wider set of objects or actions than it is meant to –Using the word ball to describe anything round- oranges, apples or even the moon Underextensions → occurs when a child incorrectly uses a word to describe a narrower set of objects or actions than it is meant toUnderextensions → occurs when a child incorrectly uses a word to describe a narrower set of objects or actions than it is meant to –Using the word doll to refer only to a single, favorite doll

14 Two-word stage → beginning about age 2, the stage in speech development during which a child speaks mostly two-word statements Two-word stage → beginning about age 2, the stage in speech development during which a child speaks mostly two-word statements oTelegraphic speech → consists mainly of content words; articles, prepositions and other less critical words are omitted Child might say, “Give doll” rather than “Please give me the doll.”Child might say, “Give doll” rather than “Please give me the doll.” oOverregularizations → occur when grammatical rules are incorrectly generalized to irregular cases where they do not apply Children will say things like, “The girl goed home.” or “I hitted the ball.”Children will say things like, “The girl goed home.” or “I hitted the ball.”


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