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KIT – University of the State of Baden-Württemberg and National Laboratory of the Helmholtz Association Institute for Data Processing and Electronics.

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Presentation on theme: "KIT – University of the State of Baden-Württemberg and National Laboratory of the Helmholtz Association Institute for Data Processing and Electronics."— Presentation transcript:

1 KIT – University of the State of Baden-Württemberg and National Laboratory of the Helmholtz Association Institute for Data Processing and Electronics Introducing Michael Zapf I gave for me the subtitle: “Interdisciplinary”

2 22 Who am I ? Michael Zapf Roots „Self-grown plant“ of the FZK/KIT in the project USCT (2001) My education Computer Science (& interdisciplinary surroundings) Master of Science (Hochschule Karlsruhe, 2010) Dual Diploma/Bachelor (BA Karlsruhe, 2004) My hobbies Following & influencing the change of the IT infrastructure to a community & DIY driven one, e.g. Wikipedia, Crowdfunding Controversial topics and positions… ;)

3 33 Professional Interests Research Ultrasound system design -> DAQ, HW, software, „side constraints“: safety, etc Ultrasound Imaging -> Aperture design, transducer design, finding appropriate characterization, domains & terminology Signal processing -> designing optimal processing chains, finding out what is optimal… Technologies Parallelization, auto-adaptive algorithms, robust algorithms… Angle / degree Frequency / Hz frequency dependent response Transducer characterisation Signal processing / designing

4 44 Project(s) Next Generation USCT design „USCT 3.0“ Ultrasound Transducer prototypes: design, materials, (re-)producability, cooperations Keep „USCT 2.0“ running + update 2.5 + clinical trial Mannheim Updates: better CEs for ++SNR Aperture design / simulation Complex systems: UX, usability & robustness Debugging: jitter, crashes, irregularities, …

5 55 The Future What is missing? Cooperation in the Imaging domain e.g. „2d/3D fourier filters/glasses/compensation“, „fourier optics“…. Groundtruth: 21 perfect scatters, scatter size: 0.00006m BW 0-3.33 MHz, 3DUSCTII aperture, 11000AScans Without glasses with image glasses Fourierdomain / k-space

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