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The effects of the localisation of FOSS in a sophisticated developing world economy Dwayne Bailey.

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Presentation on theme: "The effects of the localisation of FOSS in a sophisticated developing world economy Dwayne Bailey."— Presentation transcript:

1 The effects of the localisation of FOSS in a sophisticated developing world economy Dwayne Bailey

2 Founder and Director: Executive Director: WordForge

3 200+ 1 million

4 Rural vs Urban 200+ 1 million

5 English 200+ 1 million

6 Software Market 200+ 1 million

7 Web Language Demands 200+ 1 million

8 Locales as a measure XP – 2 locales XP sp2 – 5 locales Vista – 9 locales What happened to all 11?

9 Why shouldn't you localise Each language is costly 11 languages – Which ones would you choose? There is no demand, as I've just shown you

10 Na jare se briefwisseling en vertoë ontvang die Vriende op 20 Junie 2003 'n brief van mnr Mike Cathie, die Bemarkingsdirekteur van Microsoft Suid-Afrika. Microsoft Suid-Afrika is in die proses om hulle sagteware in Afrikaans, isiZulu, isiXhosa, Sepedi en Setswana te vertaal en hoop om die proses binne vier tot ses maande af te handel. Vriende van Afrikaans, 3 July 2003

11 Time line

12 Why would you localise Risk of losing Government contracts Suppress a competitors product advantage There is no longer an excuse that it is too difficult The cost of losing market share is greater then the cost of localising

13 Results A small NGO helps shape the direction of a large organisation Windows now in approximately 3 languages with some more due soon Microsoft Office available in a few languages Locales still an issue :(

14 Want to start a localisation industry? Localise Free and Open Source Software

15 “ Speak to a man in a language and it goes to his head; speak to him in his own language and it goes to his heart.” Nelson Mandela Dwayne Bailey

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