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Welcome to P6B Curriculum Meeting. Timetable  Literacy and Numeracy everyday.  Other areas of learning spread throughout week. WAUREUICTTHE ARTS PDMUTSPC.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to P6B Curriculum Meeting. Timetable  Literacy and Numeracy everyday.  Other areas of learning spread throughout week. WAUREUICTTHE ARTS PDMUTSPC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to P6B Curriculum Meeting

2 Timetable  Literacy and Numeracy everyday.  Other areas of learning spread throughout week. WAUREUICTTHE ARTS PDMUTSPC  PE Day can change throughout the year. Come into school in PE clothes.  Swimming Thursday (Final week 8/1/15)  Spellings and tables to be learnt every night.  Teacher/Classroom assistant to hear groups reading once per week.

3 2014/2015 Whole school Focus


5 Skill teaching  P4-7 pupils will be mixed up for classes on Friday afternoons.  Each teacher will take a specific area of learning for which they are skilled.  Children will have the opportunity to get all subjects.  1:30pm-2:30pm  Art, PE, Music, Drama

6 Homework  Written every night.  Must include date and title.  Good presentation is essential!  Spelling worksheets are to be completed by Friday. If not, sent home for weekend.  Differentiated according to ability.  Maths game home on Thursday night.

7 What’s expected of P6 Pupils? Independence.  Left at gate.  No phone calls home!  Getting unstuck strategies.  Time management. ORGANISATION  All relevant books available  Dinner Money/lunchbox  PE/swimming kits  Homeworks  Notes

8 Classroom policies  L – Listen to instructions  E- enter and exit prepared  A – Always try your best  R – respect yourself and others  N – No excuses!

9 Behaviour  Good behaviour is rewarded with stamps and student of the week certificates.  Good handwriting will be rewarded each month.  Playground behaviour is monitored and any unacceptable will result in time out/further action.  Uniform spot checks will occur throughout the week by various staff.  All staff adhere to the school behaviour policy.

10 Things to note  Accelerated reading is on-going encouraging pupils to become independent readers and improve their comprehension. Lead by example. Information still available online to view.  Mathletics: Each pupil has a unique log on to this website. Here they can learn methods, try out skills and compete against pupils from around the world. They may be set homework to complete tasks.  An information evening to be held. TBC

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