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The Agricultural Revolution 1690 – 1790’s

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1 The Agricultural Revolution 1690 – 1790’s
Food for the Masses

2 Increasing Food Supplies
Wealthy land owners buy land and create enclosures – for farming experimentations. 1. Seed Drill 2. Crop Rotation 3. Live Stock (Animal) Breeding

3 The Seed Drill Invented by Jethro Tull in 1701.
Allowed seeds to be planted in well spaced rows at specific depths. This guaranteed that seeds would be planted and correctly.

4 Crop Rotations Rotating various crops allow for the earth to regain lost nutrients – helped produce more food. Ex: Wheat – Turnips – Barley – Clovers.

5 Live Stock Breeding By allowing only the strongest and best sheep to breed a breeder could increase the amount of meat per animal. This starts the concepts of genetics. (How do the Nazi’s use this idea?)

6 The Results of the Agricultural Revolution
The increase of food resulted in the following. 1. More food produced = Price of food (↓) 2. Price of food ↓ = Easier for all people to afford and buy 3. More people can buy food = stronger people. 4. Stronger People = Population (↑)

7 As farmers lost their land to enclosures, many moved to the cities to become workers in newly developed factories.

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