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Technology Autobiography Created by Sandra Jean. Early technology The Radio The Radio The computer The computer Cds Cds.

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Presentation on theme: "Technology Autobiography Created by Sandra Jean. Early technology The Radio The Radio The computer The computer Cds Cds."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology Autobiography Created by Sandra Jean

2 Early technology The Radio The Radio The computer The computer Cds Cds

3 My first Experience My first Experience Electric Piano Electric Piano

4 My first Experience The Calculator The Calculator Used for math Used for math Basic math Basic math Algebra Algebra Geometry Geometry

5 Technologically Literate Ishmell Bradley Ishmell Bradley Penn State Graduate Penn State Graduate Computer Specialist Computer Specialist

6 What will it mean to be Technology literate in the Future? Having latest technology Having latest technology Knowing how to use it. Knowing how to use it. Having at least a computer in your home Having at least a computer in your home

7 On my Desk

8 Wish List On my very own ibook On my very own ibook Own a digital camera Own a digital camera And to have a camera phone And to have a camera phone

9 What is in my Purse? Cell Phone Cell Phone

10 Do I keep up with technology? Technology is my friend Technology is my friend Yes I do Yes I do

11 The End Thank you

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