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ATOMS™ Implant. Again questions we already know….. What do we have on hand? A proprietary implant technology competition would like to have! A proprietary.

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Presentation on theme: "ATOMS™ Implant. Again questions we already know….. What do we have on hand? A proprietary implant technology competition would like to have! A proprietary."— Presentation transcript:

1 ATOMS™ Implant

2 Again questions we already know….. What do we have on hand? A proprietary implant technology competition would like to have! A proprietary technology with proven long term results! A proprietary technology which work on patients where a previoulsy implanted competitive product has failed! A proprietary technology which comes for a very competitive price….which offers our partners in most markets an excellent Gross Margin opportunity! Who can ever stop you and us to become successful in this market ? To become market leader in your country within the next 3 years? To sell 10 ATOMS / Implants per Mio. population to your market by the end of 2015!! What would that mean to your business? The market potential is fact! Are we able to take advantage of this proprietary technology, as long as competition does not come up with a kind of similar product? How can we support your ATOMS™ launch efforts in your countries? ATOMS™ - workshop & training centers? ATOMS™ - European expert group meetings?

3 Show the product to ALL UROLOGIST‘s in your territory! They are ALL prosepcts! Present ATOMS™ and mention, that you have other innovative products in your pocket, enhancing the outcome of female incontinence surgery in most difficult cases………..e.g. a first sling implant failed already, on patients who had previous pelvic floor surgery............use ATOMS™ as a door opener for selling TVA_TOA Implants to Urologist‘s. Take advantage of A.M.I.‘s training centers for surgeons & invest in training of your prosepcts! Ask for flying doctor support, when the first ATOMS™ implantations are done with new customers. Set your own targets! Create 1 new ATOMS™user / quarter and see your business growing – Qtr. By Qtr! Good Luck & Happy Selling! ATOMS™ Summary & Sales Strategy

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