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Welcome to Kvinfo. Kvinder (Women) Information (Information) Forskning (Research)

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Kvinfo. Kvinder (Women) Information (Information) Forskning (Research)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Kvinfo

2 Kvinder (Women) Information (Information) Forskning (Research)

3 Research library

4 Web magazine

5 Database of women professionals

6 Online Biographical Encyclopaedia of Danish Women

7 Arabic Women’s rights in the Middle East Initiative

8 Intense debate on: Immigration Integration Ethnic Minorities

9 Employment seems to be the key to successful integration More than 50% vacancies in DK are filled via personal networks

10 Employment is the key to successful integration 50+ % vacancies in DK are filled via personal networks

11 What could we do...... to assist immigrant and refugee women to get a foothold in Danish society?... to support their search for relevant employment?

12 Kvinfo’s Mentor Network


14 Match them!

15 MenteesProposal s and responses determine the mentoring process

16 MentorsStrong, educated Danish women motivated by a desire to go against the dominant negative views on immigration

17 MentorsStrong, educated Danish women with a desire to go against the negative views on immigration

18 It is a significant advantage if the mentor opens her networks for the mentee

19 Without professional contacts women are disadvantaged job seekers

20 Feminists values in the definition and practice of mentoring

21 Well functioning relationships based on interpersonal trust, rapport and respect

22 Trust is confidence

23 Emotional and social support

24 Understanding similarities There is no ‘other’

25 The prime focus of the majority of the matches is indeed getting a job

26 Success = The number of couples that complete the cycle in 1,5 years

27 The Network reflects the collective consciousness-raising, positive activism of the women’s movement

28 Kvinfo focus on the positive perspective

29 Hakima and Margrethe are in the political mentor program

30 Largest mentor network of its kind 5.000 members from 125 countries 5 offices across Denmark 7 years experience A model of mentoring that works!

31 An international conference to share and to find partners in the world

32 Thank you!

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