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بســــــــم الله الرحمن الرحيــــــــم. MRK 152 Mohammed Owais Qureshi Hashmi محمد عويس قرشي هاشمي Principles of Marketing.

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Presentation on theme: "بســــــــم الله الرحمن الرحيــــــــم. MRK 152 Mohammed Owais Qureshi Hashmi محمد عويس قرشي هاشمي Principles of Marketing."— Presentation transcript:

1 بســــــــم الله الرحمن الرحيــــــــم

2 MRK 152 Mohammed Owais Qureshi Hashmi محمد عويس قرشي هاشمي Principles of Marketing




6 Definition Marketing(تسويق) is managing profitable(مربح) customer(زبون) relationships(العلاقات) Marketing is a social(اجتماعي) and managerial process by which individuals and organizations obtain what they need(حاجة) and want(تريد) through creating(خلق) and exchanging(تبادل) value(قيمة) with others

7 NEED( حاجة ): A human( الإنسان ) need is a state of deprivation( حرمان ) of some basic( الأساسية ) satisfaction( رضا ). WANTS( تريد ): Wants are desires( الرغبات ) for specific( محدد ) satisfiers of need. DEMANDS( الطلب ): Demands are wants for specific( محدد ) products( المنتج ) that are backed by an ability( القدرة ) and willingness( استعداد ) to buy( شراء ) them. Wants become( أصبح ) demands when( عندما ) supported( دعم ) by a purchasing( شراء ) power( القوة ). Definition

8 Needs Wants Demands

9 PRODUCT( المنتج ): A product is anything( أي شئ ) that can be offered( عرض ) to satisfy( إرضاء ) a need( حاجة ) or want( تريد ). Products are a bundle( حزمة ) of solutions( حل ) Products may be physical( مادي ) goods, services( خدمة ) or ideas. Definition

10 VALUE( قيمة ): Value is the consumer's( مستهلك ) estimate( تقدير ) of the product's overall capacity( قدرة ) to satisfy( إرضاء ) his or her needs. Value is the satisfaction( رضا ) of customer( زبون ) requirements at the lowest( أدنى ) possible cost( كلف ) of acquisition( اكتساب ), ownership( ملكية ) and use( استخدم ). Definition

11 Exchange( تبادل ) is the act( عمل ) of obtaining( الحصول على ) a desired product from someone by offering( عرض ) something in return( عودة ). There are five conditions( حالة ) for exchange 1. There are at least two parties. 2. Each ( كل ) party has something that might be of value( قيمة ) to the other party. 3. Each ( كل ) party is capable of communication and delivery( تسليم ). 4. Each ( كل ) party is free( حر ) to accept( قبول ) or reject( رفض ) the exchange offer( عرض ). 5. Each ( كل ) party believes( اعتقد ) it is appropriate( مناسب ) or desirable ( مرغوب فيه ) to deal ( تعامل ) with the other( آخر ) party. Exchange and Transaction


13 A transaction( صفقة ) is a trade( التجارة ) of values( قيمة ) between( بين ) two or more parties. A transaction involves( تنطوي ) several( عدة ) dimensions( بعد ): -at least( الحد الأدنى ) two things of value. -agreed( توافق ) upon conditions( حالة ). -a time of agreement( اتفاقية ). -a place( مكان ) of agreement. Transaction differs from a transfer. In a transfer A gives X to B but does not receive anything in return( عودة ). Exchange( تبادل ) (process) + Agreement( اتفاقية )=Transaction

14 A market( سوق ) consists( تتكون ) of all the potential ( محتمل )customers( زبون ) sharing( حصة ) a particular( خاص ) need or want( تريد ) who( الذي ) might( ربما ) be willing( مستعد ) and able( قادر ) to engage( المشاركة ) in exchange( تبادل ) to satisfy( إرضاء ) that need or want. A marketer is someone( شخص ما ) seeking( تسعى ) one or more ( أكثر ) prospects( آفاق ) who might( ربما ) engage( المشاركة ) in an exchange( تبادل ) of values. A prospect is someone whom the marketer identifies( تحديد ) as potentially( يحتمل أن تكون ) willing( مستعد ) and able( قادر ) to engage in an exchange of values( قيمة ). When both parties actively( نشط ) seek( طلب ) an exchange and both are marketers, then the situation( حالة ) is called reciprocal( متبادل ) marketing. MARKETS, MARKETERS & PROSPECTS

15 MARKETING MANAGEMENT Marketing management( إدارة ) is the art( فن ) and science( علم ) of choosing( اختيار ) target( الهدف ) markets and building( بناء ) profitable( مربح ) relationships( علاقة ) with them.

16 COMPETING CONCEPTS OF MARKETING 1 PRODUCTION CONCEPT( مفهوم الإنتاج ) The production concept holds that consumer( مستهلك ) will favour( صالح ) those ( هؤلاء ) products( المنتج ) that are widely( معظم ) available( متاح ) and low( منخفض ) in cost( كلف ). Managers of production oriented organizations concentrate( تركز ) on achieving( تحقيق ) high ( ارتفاع ) production( الإنتاج ) efficiency( كفاءة ) and wide ( واسع )distribution( التوزيع ).

17 2 PRODUCT CONCEPT( مفهوم المنتج ) The product concept holds that consumer( مستهلك ) will favour( صالح ) those ( هؤلاء ) products( المنتج ) that offer the most quality( جودة ), performance( أداء ) or innovative features( ميزة مبتكرة ). Managers in product oriented organization favour their energy on making superior products and improving( تحسن ) them overtime. COMPETING CONCEPTS OF MARKETING

18 3 SELLING /SALES CONCEPT( بيع / بيع ) The selling concept holds that consumers( مستهلك ), if( إذا ) left( غادر ) alone( وحده ) will ordinarily not( ليس ) buy( شراء ) enough( كاف ) of the organization’s product. The organization must( يجب أن ) therefore undertake( تتعهد ) an aggressive( العدواني ) selling( بيع ) and promotion( ترقية ) effort( جهد ).

19 COMPETING CONCEPTS OF MARKETING 4 MARKETING CONCEPT ( مفهوم التسويق ) The marketing concept holds that the key( مفتاح ) to achieving( تحقيق ) organizational goals consist( تتكون ) of being more( أكثر ) effective( فعال ) than competitors( منافس ) in integrating( متكاملة ) marketing activities towards determining( تحديد ) and satisfying( إرضاء ) the needs and wants( تريد ) of target( الهدف ) markets. The marketing concept rests on four pillars( دعامة ): target market, customer( زبون ) needs, integrated marketing and profitability( الربحية ).

20 COMPETING CONCEPTS OF MARKETING INTEGRATED MARKETING When all the company's departments( قسم ) work together( معا ) to serve( لخدمة ) the customer's( زبون ) interest( مصلحة ), the result is integrated marketing. Integrated marketing takes place on two levels( مستوى ). First the various( مختلف ) marketing functions-sales force( مبيعات ), advertising( إعلان ), product management( إدارة المنتجات ), marketing research( أبحاث السوق ) and so on must work together( معا ). Second marketing must be well coordinated( منسقة تنسيقا جيدا ) with other company departments. REASONS( سبب ) FOR TAKING MARKETING CONCEPTS -Sales Decline ( انخفاض مبيعات ) -Slow Growth ( نمو المبيعات ) -Changing buying pattern ( تغيير نمط شراء ) -Increasing Competition ( زيادة المنافسة )

21 COMPETING CONCEPTS OF MARKETING 5SOCIETAL MARKETING CONCEPT ( مفهوم التسويق المجتمعي ) The societal marketing concept holds that the organization’s task( مهمة ) is to determine( تحديد ) the needs, wants and interests( مصلحة ) of target( الهدف ) markets and to deliver( نقل ) the desired( المطلوب ) satisfactions( رضا ) more effectively( على نحو فعال ) and efficiently( بكفاءة ) than ( من ) competitors( المنافسين ) in a way( في الطريق ) that preserves( المحافظة ) or enhances( تعزيز ) the consumer's ( مستهلك ) and society's( مجتمع ) well being ( رفاهية ).

22 Marketing Management Orientations Production concept Product Concept Selling concept Marketing Concept Societal Marketing Concept


24 MAIN BOOK Title: Principles of Marketing Author(s): Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong ADDITIONAL READING Books Title: Marketing Management (Analysis, Planning. Implementation and Control Author(s): Philip Kotler Edition/Year: Eighth / 2006 Title: Strategic Marketing Author(s): David W. Cravens & Nigel F. Piercy Edition/Year: Tenth / 2006

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