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IST programme Building the ‘Connected’ Europe of Tomorrow EU will Provide ‘free’ money Enabling business growth –Transnational opportunities –Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "IST programme Building the ‘Connected’ Europe of Tomorrow EU will Provide ‘free’ money Enabling business growth –Transnational opportunities –Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 IST programme Building the ‘Connected’ Europe of Tomorrow EU will Provide ‘free’ money Enabling business growth –Transnational opportunities –Technology sourcing Precise Application Process –In areas targeted by The Workprogramme –In response to specific public invitations –Competitive bidding European Funding

2 IST programme Summary of IST Offers 1 to 5 YEARS International 35 - 50% IPR Research & Development Combined Demonstration New Technology RTD Actions Concerted Actions & Thematic Networks IST Project Clusters Networks of Excellence Research Training Working Groups Accompanying Measures (other) Studies Dissemination & Awareness Training Measures Support Measures Fellowships Training Bursaries Accompanying Measures 1 YEAR 100% Personnel 50% Remainder No overhead No IPR Trials Best Practice Assessment Support Nodes Existing Technology Take Up Measures

3 IST programme The European Commission The Benefit of its Citizens Budgets spent effectively Stimulation of Technology based Industry The eEurope Action Plan –Fast, cheap and secure net access, –Raising levels of skills, –Stimulation of net use. See pe

4 IST programme Summary: You need to have An Excellent Innovative Idea Which fits with the workprogramme At the right time With ‘European’ Collaborators Clearly exploitable Meeting the published ‘evaluation criteria’ Which overlaps with your own objectives

5 IST programme The FIVE FP5 evaluation criteria 1 Scientific and technological (S&T) quality and innovation 2 Community added value and contribution to EU policies 3 Contribution to Community social objectives 4 Economic development and S&T prospects 5 Management and resources Published in Evaluation Manual

6 IST programme REASONS FOR FAILURE Results of Evaluation of Call 4 (Closed October 11th, 2000 at 5pm (Brussels local time). )AS AN EXAMPLE Failure was mainly due to not meeting thresholds –Criterion 1: innovation (27 instances) –Criterion 4: economic development/ST prospects (25 instances).

7 IST programme Call 4 Proposals in KA III

8 IST programme News from The Commission ISTC: Recommends longer projects APPENDIX 6 Applies to projects arising from Call 6 –Payment times halved –Audited Cost Statements For Payments > 250,000 Euro (~2%) Initial or Final Cost Claims Up to 4000 Euro per claim 50% from Commission to be charged as ‘Other SpecificCosts’

9 IST programme News from The Commission Can the Commision trust you to do the work? [ANNEX2] Applicable to all participants except public bodies: –Universities, Research Centers, Government,.. Purpose: –To ensure the project partners have adequate resources –To evaluate the financial risk incurred by the Commission and where necessary, to propose suitable protection measures.

10 IST programme News from The Commission Net worth test Projects share:  (Cost-EC contribution) Net worth > = Projects share

11 IST programme News from The Commission APPENDIX 5 Applies To Projects With at least 12 months to run –Extension to Include New NAS Partners –Must show added value –Proposed by existing Consortium –Costs Majority to NAS Partner Small addition to allow extension

12 IST programme UKISHELP: The Website: ALTER [NATIONAL I Ps] A key resource for UK Proposers Incorporating –Document Library with Search Facilities –Consultants register –e-Mail updates –Online Registration

13 IST programme Call UKISHELP on 0870 606 1515 Free support service alter - national name and number

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