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Reconstruction and Its Effects (Ch.4, Sec.4)

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1 Reconstruction and Its Effects (Ch.4, Sec.4)
1. Conflict Between Johnson & Congress 2. Conditions in the South at War’s End 3. The Collapse of Reconstruction


3 Why did conflict between Johnson & Congress end with his impeachment?
Congress passed Reconstruction Act of 1867 Congress passed 3 amendments to guarantee the rights of African Americans (13,14, &15) Southern states had to grant voting to African American men & ratify 14th amendment Congress felt President Johnson was trying to block reconstruction efforts (Tenure of Office Act), so they had him impeached


5 What were conditions like in the South after the war ended?
South’s economy was devastated (farms lay in ruin) The South’s population had been decimated by the loss of life during the war Lack of unity between Republicans, carpetbaggers, & African Americans hurt reconstruction efforts African Americans were able to found their own churches & establish public schools to educate them African Americans took active roles in the political process (voted and held offices)

6 African Americans registering to vote in the South.

7 African Americans churches became centers for the community.

8 KKK members burning a cross to make a statement.

9 What led to the collapse of reconstruction?
Violent opposition to reconstruction by vigilante groups like the KKK Passage of Amnesty Act (1872) allowed Southern Democrats to regain political control A bank panic in 1873 (5-year depression) diverted attention from Reconstruction Reconstruction ended in 1877 and the South passed laws (Jim Crow) to strip blacks of their rights

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