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Child Abuse Policy Discussion Session September Training.

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Presentation on theme: "Child Abuse Policy Discussion Session September Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 Child Abuse Policy Discussion Session September Training

2 Child Abuse Policy Training Discuss and draft an outline of what should happen for each of the following circumstances.

3 Child Abuse Policy Training You walk into a center and a child is sitting on the floor turning the pages of a book. There is no adult in sight.

4 Child Abuse Policy Training A child bites you on the forearm. You jerk your arm away and this action pushes the child off balance, the child falls to the floor, then gets up rubbing her elbow and crying.

5 Child Abuse Policy Training While in the hallway of a center you hear a teacher saying in a very loud voice, “Terry, you stop that now! You are being very bad!”

6 Child Abuse Policy Training In the parking lot of a center you witness an adult holding a child by one arm and swatting the child twice on the back of the legs while telling the child they had better behave.

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