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What does a VICTIM of domestic violence or sexual assault LOOK LIKE?

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Presentation on theme: "What does a VICTIM of domestic violence or sexual assault LOOK LIKE?"— Presentation transcript:


2 What does a VICTIM of domestic violence or sexual assault LOOK LIKE?


4 Last year, SBAP answered 2,220 crisis calls on our 24 hour hotline. YOU made it possible.

5 Why do we need to answer the phone 24 HOURS a day?

6 Because violence against women NEVER SLEEPS.

7 FACT: More than HALF of female victims of intimate violence live with CHILDREN UNDER 12.

8 YOUR CONTRIBUTION provided housing for 80 women and 50 children so they could escape an abuser.

9 “I arrived here with my children wondering where I would go next….I had the first restful night of sleep in months.” -Client of SBAP

10 FACT: 1/3 of all female murder victims are killed by an INTIMATE PARTNER.

11 YOUR DONATION provided an advocate for 1,272 VICTIMS in the Bantam Court.

12 “After reading a Susan B. Anthony Project brochure, I finally admitted to myself that my husband was an abuser and I was a victim. You probably have no idea how many lives you have touched and, like mine, have helped save.” - Client of SBAP


14 YOUR GIFT provides funding for victim support groups. SBAP offered 150 support meetings last year.

15 “When I left my husband, it was an incredibly huge step and if it weren’t for Susan B. Anthony, being there for me every step of the way, I would not have made it. I would have gone back for sure.” -Client of SBAP

16 FACT: Boys who witness domestic violence are twice as likely to abuse their own partners.

17 YOUR DONATION provided educational programs for more than 5,000 children.




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