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UML Diagrams CSC 422 Kutztown University Dr. Daniel Spiegel.

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Presentation on theme: "UML Diagrams CSC 422 Kutztown University Dr. Daniel Spiegel."— Presentation transcript:

1 UML Diagrams CSC 422 Kutztown University Dr. Daniel Spiegel

2 Classes of Diagrams Model of Dynamic Aspects of Systems
Model of Physical Aspects of Systems Static Design View

3 Modeling Dynamic Aspects of Systems
Statechart Activity Collaboration Sequence Use Case

4 UML Statechart Diagram
A statechart diagram shows: state machine. flow of control from state to state.

5 Statechart Diagram

6 UML Activity Diagram essentially a flowchart
shows flow of control from activity to activity.

7 Activity Diagram

8 UML Collaboration Diagram
an interaction diagram emphasizes the structural organization of the objects that send and receive messages. Shows: a set of objects links among those objects messages sent and received by those objects. used to illustrate the dynamic view of a system.

9 Collaboration Diagram
4: View product pdb:ProductDatabase 5: Connect customer to product database c:Customer sd:ShippingDepartment 6: Buy item(s) 11: Send confirmation to 7: Item selected customer 10: Send address for shipping 1: Sign in 3: Connect customer to customer database fd:FinancingDepartment rp:RegistrationProcessor 9: Accept 2: Matches credit customer 8: Check credit database for customer cdb:CustomerDatabase

10 UML Sequence Diagram emphasizes the time ordering of messages.
has 2 features that distinguish it from a collaboration diagram. object lifeline vertical dashed line in the diagram. focus of control a tall, thin rectangle that shows the period of time during which an object is performing an action.

11 Sequence Diagram

12 UML Use case Diagram shows a set of use cases and actors and their relationships. used to model the context of a system and to model the requirements of a system.

13 Usecase Diagram

14 Modeling Physical Aspects of Systems
Deployment Package

15 UML Deployment Diagram
shows the configuration of: run time processing nodes the components that live on them.

16 Deployment Diagram

17 UML Package Diagram shows organization and dependencies among a set of packages.

18 Package Diagram

19 UML Object Diagram shows a set of of objects and their relationships at a point in time. address the static design view or static process view of a system.

20 Object Diagram

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