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Quick Introduction to creating Eyeblaster ads.  Steps for creating an Eyeblaster ad  Building Eyeblaster compatible flash assets  Adding Eyeblaster.

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Presentation on theme: "Quick Introduction to creating Eyeblaster ads.  Steps for creating an Eyeblaster ad  Building Eyeblaster compatible flash assets  Adding Eyeblaster."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quick Introduction to creating Eyeblaster ads

2  Steps for creating an Eyeblaster ad  Building Eyeblaster compatible flash assets  Adding Eyeblaster commands  Introducing the Eyeblaster interface  Uploading your creative assets  Creating Eyeblaster ads

3 Steps for creating an Eyeblaster ad 1.Download Eyeblaster Flash Extension packageEyeblaster Flash Extension package 2.Create Eyeblaster compatible swf or flv files by adding the EB action script commands. Remember to prepare a gif back up for banner formats. 3.Upload your creative assets to your Eyeblaster account 4.Create Eyeblaster ad using the assets you uploaded 5.Copy ads to campaign flights and submit to publishers Eyeblaster Confidential

4 Building your Eyeblaster compatible creative assets  Eyeblaster assets Are individual files that make up the whole ad. Supported extensions:.jpeg,.gif,.swf and.flv  Eyeblaster Flash Extension Package In order to use Eyeblaster Flash components and templates and to make full use of Eyeblaster features it is necessary to first download and install the Eyeblaster  Eyeblaster include All swf assets that are created for Eyeblaster must include on the first frame of flash: #include “” Note: There is no need for the physical file as it is already included in the mxp file. Eyeblaster Confidential

5 Building your Eyeblaster compatible creative assets  Blank First Frame Apart from the commands included via the file, leave the first frame of the Flash movie completely blank - i.e., begin all animations, audio, or Action Script in the Flash movie on the second frame or later. This is required in order to prevent the ad from starting to play before it has fully downloaded to the user’s machine.  Frame Rate The recommended frame rate for use within a a Flash resource is 12 frames per second (unless the asset is video).  Flash Versions Ads can run using Flash versions 4, 5, 6 and 7. It is recommended that you export your FLAs into Flash 6. Flash 7 penetration is not as high as that of Flash 6 and users without the Flash 7 player will not see Flash 7 ads. Eyeblaster Confidential

6 Eyeblaster Flash Extension Package Installation Eyeblaster Confidential  Download.mxp - Resources / Download Area / Code Library Eyeblaster Flash Extension Package from the Eyeblaster Platform:

7 Eyeblaster Flash Extension Package Installation Eyeblaster Confidential  Installed File - check for latest version Once installed the Eyeblaster Extension Package will appear in the Macromedia Extension Manager as follows:

8 Eyeblaster Adding the EB commands Eyeblaster Confidential  #include “” Add the command on the first frame of flash - no other animation or sound should be on the first frame.

9 Eyeblaster Confidential  Click Through Button - ebInteraction Create an invisible button Create an invisible button on the hit area with the fscommand ebInteraction on an on (release) button Eyeblaster Adding the EB commands

10 Eyeblaster Confidential  Creating an invisible button – create a shape around the area you want clickable Eyeblaster Adding the EB commands

11 Eyeblaster Confidential  Creating an invisible button – select that area and convert it to a symbol Eyeblaster Adding the EB commands

12 Eyeblaster Confidential  Creating an invisible button – give it a name and select behaviour as button Eyeblaster Adding the EB commands

13 Eyeblaster Confidential  Creating an invisible button – double-click on the button to edit it. Eyeblaster Adding the EB commands

14 Eyeblaster Confidential  Creating an invisible button – add a key frame on the hit area and clear the contents from the other frames. Eyeblaster Adding the EB commands

15 Eyeblaster Confidential  Close Button - ebQuit Create an transparent on (release) button on the hit area with the fscommand ebquit

16 Introducing the Eyeblaster Interface for creative users Eyeblaster Confidential  Eyeblaster Interface - Home On the left hand menu click on Creative

17 Introducing the Eyeblaster Interface for creative users Eyeblaster Confidential  Creative – Click on creative assets This is a library listing of the all assets that make up Eyeblaster ads.

18 Introducing the Eyeblaster Interface for creative users Eyeblaster Confidential  Asset selection – when you click on an asset it will highlight it in blue. It will also give you access to the additional menu bar icons at the top

19 Introducing the Eyeblaster Interface for creative users Eyeblaster Confidential  Asset Menu Bar explanation  Show All – lists all assets as a default – can be used to refine your search  Add New – to add a new asset click on this button  Upload Multiple Assets – used add more than one asset at a time in one go. A plug-in will be required on first time activation  Folders – you can create folders to store your assets e.g. you many want to store it by advertiser or brand or project name  ? – Activates the online help  Pencil icon – Edit – let’s you edit an existing asset, this can also be used to override an existing asset (just as long as the ad is still in design stage)  X Delete – press to delete asset  Preview – will let you preview the asset and test and QA it

20 Uploading your Eyeblaster creative assets to your EB Account Eyeblaster Confidential  Single Upload Creative – Creative -> Creative Assets / Add new

21 Uploading your Eyeblaster creative assets to your EB Account Eyeblaster Confidential  Multiple Asset Upload – Creative -> Creative Assets / Upload Multiple Assets / Add

22 Creating Eyeblaster ads - Most Common Formats Eyeblaster Confidential  Polite ad - requires 3 assets 1.Backup image gif/jpg less than 30K - downloads with the page 2.Default flash less than 30K – downloads with the page 3.Rich flash up to 2MB – downloaded in the background polity  Expandable ad – requires 3 assets 1.Backup image gif/jpg less than 30K - downloads with the page 2.Default flash less than 30K – downloads with the page 3.Expansion Panel  Floating ad 1.One flash asset up to 2.2MB - no backup image required  Video – can be implemented in all above formats use our swf video loader component. Video footage is loaded from a separate file.  Standard banner/pop-up - 2 assets 1.Backup image gif/jpg less than 30K - downloads with the page 2.Default flash less than 30K – downloads with the page

23 Creating Eyeblaster ads Eyeblaster Confidential  Creative -> Creative New Ad

24 Creating Eyeblaster ads Eyeblaster Confidential  Creative -> Creative New Ad / General Tab / Enter the name of the asset. Campaign and flight selection can be added after the ad has been finalised

25 Creating Ads Eyeblaster Confidential  Ad Format Tab/ Select the correct Ad format

26 Creating Ads Eyeblaster Confidential  Ad Format Tab / Select backup gif/jpg image asset from correct folder

27 Creating Ads Eyeblaster Confidential  Ad Format Tab / Select flash asset from correct folder and preview asset to test

28 Creating Ads Eyeblaster Confidential  Single asset Preview / Click on the asset to test the ebInteraction in the Flash Events Monitor, check version/frame rate/no animation on 1 st frame

29 Creating Ads Eyeblaster Confidential  Actions and Tracking / Enter the clickthrough URL (this is where the ebInteraction picks up the URL from), use the Test button to see if the URL is live. Use Ad Preview to test whole ad then press Finish to save

30 Most Common Formats – Polite Ad Eyeblaster Confidential  Ad Format / Polite Banner/ Select Content Type (Flash- Image for assets that are less than 300K or Flash Video assets greater than 300K)

31 Most Common Formats – Expandable Ad Eyeblaster Confidential  Ad Format / Expandable Banner/ Select Content Type (Flash- Image for assets that are less than 300K or Flash Video assets greater than 300K). In Flash Panel – click on ‘here’ to add new expansion panel.

32 Most Common Formats – Expandable Ad Eyeblaster Confidential  Flash Panel – Enter a Panel Name and select expansion asset. Check the box auto expand when mouse is over the banner (the default banner). The expansion will hide automatically when the mouse is off the ad.

33 Most Common Formats – Floating Ad Eyeblaster Confidential  Ad Format / Floating Ad / Select Content Type (Flash- Image for assets that are less than 300K or Flash Video assets greater than 300K). Select Flash Movie – floating as and press asset preview to test.

34 Most Common Formats – Floating Ad Eyeblaster Confidential  Floating asset Preview / Click on the clickable area of the asset to test the ebInteraction check in the Flash Events Monitor and the same for the close button with ebQuit. Check version/frame rate/no animation on 1st frame

35 Working with Ads Eyeblaster Confidential  Creative / Ads – lists all Eyeblaster ads

36 Working with Ads Eyeblaster Confidential  Ad Menu Bar explanation  Show recent – lists ads created in the last 6 months as a default – can be changed to show all and refine your search  Pencil icon – Edit – let’s you edit an existing asset, this can also be used to override an existing asset (just as long as the ad is still in design stage)  2 Square boxes - Copy – this let’s you copy an ad to a campaign and flight  Multiple boxes – Copy to multiple flights  X Delete – press to delete ad  Preview – will let you preview the ad, you can also preview the ad on a website and send a preview link and generate an offline demo from here.  Submit for approval – once an ad is assigned/copied to a published flight you can submit the final ad to the publisher

37 Working with Ads Eyeblaster Confidential  Ad Menu Bar explanation -continued  Pointing finger - Recall – when an ad is still pending approval (shown by a yellow stamp once submitted) – it can be recalled back into design state  Approve – button used by publishers to approve your ad  Reject – button used by publisher to reject you ads to which they will add the reason why they require a change to the ad  Eye Length – If ad is assigned to a flight you can view the site specs  Tick and ruler – validate your ad against site specs  Tick and speaker – validate your ad against all campaign specs  Tick and speaker – validate your ad against selected site specs  Monitor and Webpage – create an offline demo of your ad  Tick – Enable ad – as a default all ads are enabled  Cross – Disable ad – You can only disable an ad if another ad is already approved and enabled to run on a flight

38 Working with Ads Eyeblaster Confidential  Ad status  Ad in design – ad can be deleted or asset removed and changed for other assets  Ad pending publisher approval  Ad approved  Ad rejected – the asset can be changed and then resubmitted.

39 Thank-you & Support Europe:+44 20 7759 2380 Australia:+61 9698 3677 China:+86 1352 240 0592 US:+1 646 202 1320

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