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Black Hole Extremely dense point = Singularity – Bottom of the funnel Billion tons/golf ball Enormous gravity field Light cannot escape from a black hole.

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Presentation on theme: "Black Hole Extremely dense point = Singularity – Bottom of the funnel Billion tons/golf ball Enormous gravity field Light cannot escape from a black hole."— Presentation transcript:

1 Black Hole Extremely dense point = Singularity – Bottom of the funnel Billion tons/golf ball Enormous gravity field Light cannot escape from a black hole Looks like a funnel Top of Funnel = Event Horizon

2 Black Holes come from Collapsed Massive Stars Massive > 8 solar masses F=(M1xM2)/dist^2 (Newton’s universal law of gravitation Massive star has to go supernova Supernova is a star which explodes Proton-proton chain reaction = Nuclear Fusion Burn H into He – Sun wants to explode all the time

3 Proton-Proton (Nuclear Force) v Gravity Nuclear furnace goes out when runs out of fuel H->He->O->…->Fe Star core fusion produces energy until it starts to burn Fe... Now it requires energy! The core no longer can win against gravity Star collapses into the core Rebounds Spews elements 1-92 into space

4 Neutron Star Something left over in the core is either a neutron star or, if the progenitor star was very massive, a black hole.

5 Element Synthesis Elements 1-26 are forged in ordinary stars Heavy elements up to 92 are formed by supernovas Strong Nuclear Force (double-sided sticky tape) holds the protons (+) together Protons that get smashed together stay together Supernovas occur every second in the universe

6 Space-Time Continuum (the fourth dimension) Arrow of time points forward Law of Entropy – disorder increases with time (things left to themselves) Masses on a space-time continuum for an indent called a gravity well and it loks like a funnel

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