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Procedures Subcommittee Current Subcommittee Members  M. Ingham (Chair)  S. Adhikari (Co-Chair)  M. Abramson  D. Casbeer  L. Hartman  M. Johnson.

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Presentation on theme: "Procedures Subcommittee Current Subcommittee Members  M. Ingham (Chair)  S. Adhikari (Co-Chair)  M. Abramson  D. Casbeer  L. Hartman  M. Johnson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Procedures Subcommittee Current Subcommittee Members  M. Ingham (Chair)  S. Adhikari (Co-Chair)  M. Abramson  D. Casbeer  L. Hartman  M. Johnson  E. Kivelevitch  Q. Lam  B. Marchionna  K. Melcher Accomplishments over the past year  Circulated Welcome Package to new ISTC members  Review of Procedures Document underway Challenges/Observations  SharePoint Website needs to be updated: –Roster –Should add subcommittee-specific rosters –Subcommittee description  Some sections of the Procedures Document require a significant rewrite – will need help from all subcommittee members What are your goals for next year?  Produce a clean revision of the Procedures Document, with all subcommittee procedures updated [revised target: October 2014]  Engage new subcommittee members more actively, starting by sending them the Welcome Packet, and asking them to review it and send feedback for updates.  M. Morales  C. Sabo  C. Schumacher  C. Slesnick  A. Srivastava  U. Topcu  E. Uzo-Okoro  T. Wongpiromsarn  A. Yucel

2 Procedures Document Update Highlights In his review of the Procedures Document, Elad pointed out a flaw in the current Chair Succession procedure: “Chairs are elected for two years, but then the position can be renewed. What is the process of renewing the position? My point is that if the current Chair is re-elected, we don’t have a Chair-elect (because it’s the current Chair) and we don’t have an Immediate Past Chair (because it’s more than a year after the end of his/her term).” Two possible resolutions to this issue:  Option 1: restrict the Chair position to a single term, as has been the usual practice (this might be overly restrictive);  Option 2: if the Chair position is renewed, have a special election for a Co-Chair, to serve a one-year role until the next Chair-Elect is elected. This elected Co-Chair will have duties identical to the IPC, and may or may not decide to run for the Chair-Elect position after their one-year term is up. Recommendation: Option 2 leaves more flexibility. Shall we put this to a vote?

3 Procedures Document Update Highlights (2) Best Intelligent Systems Paper:  Previous Procedures Document was inconsistent: In one place, it referred to “Best Technical Paper among all AIAA papers presented at ISTC-sponsored technical conference sessions each year”, and elsewhere referred to “Intelligent Systems Best Paper Award given for a specific paper presented at the Infotech@Aerospace conference in the previous year”.  We’ve shifted away in recent years from including all IS-relevant papers from all ISTC- sponsored sessions, whether they were at Infotech, ASM, or other conferences. Do we want to return to this practice, or should we stick to identifying the Best Paper from Infotech (SciTech)?  If we return to the broader scope, we need to work out a timeline that enables quick review of the nominated papers in the October timeframe, so that a winner can be selected in time for presentation at the following SciTech in January.

4 Procedures Document Update Highlights (3) 4 th facet of the ISTC Mission is worded as follows: “Define, engage and explore interdisciplinary interfaces through inter- TC, and inter-professional initiatives, and the organization of special technical conference sessions, tutorials, working groups and study groups” Elad made the astute observation that the document does not say anything about how we intend to promote/implement these interdisciplinary activities. This is an area we could improve in the Procedures.

5 Welcome Packet Update Ideas Because this contains the current rosters of the TC and each of the subcommittee, it becomes stale every year or two. Three ways to resolve this: 1.Update manually every year. 2.Remove the roster information from the document, and include links to the current rosters on the Sharepoint website. 3.Come up with a way to automate the generation of the Welcome Packet, including extraction of the roster information from the website Need to regularly update ‘contact info’ appendix to Welcome Packet – see ideas #2 or 3 above to keep this aligned with the rosters on the Sharepoint site.

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