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Queen’s University Belfast Grainne McGoldrick, Disability Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "Queen’s University Belfast Grainne McGoldrick, Disability Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Queen’s University Belfast Grainne McGoldrick, Disability Officer

2 Disability Services Head of Service 5 Disability Officers 2 Admin Support Needs Assessment Co- Ordinator 10 Freelance Assessors Co-Ordinator Register of Support Providers 2 Admin Support

3 Current Students 1,964 students currently registered with Disability Services 123 students have Asperger’s Syndrome


5 Support Model Transitions Events Taster Day at Queen’s Individual visits to Schools Liaison with healthcare professionals/ support providers Needs Assessment Induction Event Asperger's Social Group Reassessment

6 Taster Day Held in April. Tour of campus, Library. Input from Disability Officer, Lecturer, Student, Accommodation Office, Students’ Union. Limited to 60-70 attendees. ‘I found this day very useful and motivational’ ‘Has helped my son make his final decision regarding his University choice. Very enjoyable and informative event’

7 Induction Event Held in September before Freshers’ Week Students and parents/guardians invited What to expect at University (positive and negative) In-course support and funded support (Disabled Students’ Allowance) Important contacts

8 Asperger’s Social Group Established academic year 2006/07 Queen’s University, National Autistic Society, Jo Douglas from Northern Ireland Spectrum Centre

9 Aims of Social Group Aims A chance to meet other students Stress management Social skills Chance to talk/receive support for student issues Safe and comfortable outlet Useful points of contact Enjoyable activities!

10 Aims to meet 1-2 times per month during term time, during the day, around the Queen’s campus Guest speakers and workshops – depends on interests of the group e.g. employability, managing stress, exam preparation, clubs and societies Meet for lunch in the Queen’s area once/twice per semester No need to attend all meetings – depends on students’ interests and other commitments

11 Other One-to-one meetings for prospective students with Schools One-to-one Library Induction Priority appointments for needs assessment Support during Freshers’ Week Quiet areas in Student Accommodation and en-suite rooms

12 Students’ Comments ‘ When I started out at University I was surprised at the level of support I was offered. During the second year of my undergraduate degree, the QUB Social Group started, and since then I’ve had many a great time and met some great people’ ‘ I am richer for the experience as I never ventured out. The group gives me comfort to know that I am not alone in having trouble communicating with people’ ‘The Christmas and end of year lunches were very good. I had lots of fun at them. I also found the Degree Plus was beneficial. The movies were good fun too as was the board game day’.

13 Challenges Isolation Group work Not-attendance at lectures Disruptive behaviour during lectures Non-engagement with Support Providers Difficulties getting placement/during placement

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