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Effective English Learner Instruction and Assessment Common terms/acronyms that you will encounter as a middle or high school teacher Dr. McEady.

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Presentation on theme: "Effective English Learner Instruction and Assessment Common terms/acronyms that you will encounter as a middle or high school teacher Dr. McEady."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective English Learner Instruction and Assessment Common terms/acronyms that you will encounter as a middle or high school teacher Dr. McEady

2 Acquisition of English as a Non-Native Language BICS– Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills BICS– Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills CALP—Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency CALP—Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency CELDT—California English Language Development Test CELDT—California English Language Development Test Jan. 19, 2010

3 Acquisition of English as a Non-Native Language CBEST—California Basic Education Skills Test CBEST—California Basic Education Skills Test EL—English Learner EL—English Learner ELL—English Language Learner ELL—English Language Learner SLL—Second Language Learner SLL—Second Language Learner Jan. 19, 2010

4 Acquisition of English as a Non-Native Language ESL—English as a Second Language ESL—English as a Second Language ESOL—English for Speakers of Other Languages ESOL—English for Speakers of Other Languages ELD—English Language Development ELD—English Language Development EFL—English as a Foreign Language EFL—English as a Foreign Language Jan. 19, 2010

5 Acquisition of English as a Non-Native Language LEP*--Limited English Proficiency LEP*--Limited English Proficiency NCLB—No Child Left Behind Act NCLB—No Child Left Behind Act SDAIE—Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English SDAIE—Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English SE—Sheltered English SE—Sheltered English Jan. 19, 2010

6 Acquisition of English as a Non-Native Language SIOP—Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol SIOP—Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol SLA—Second Language Acquisition SLA—Second Language Acquisition SOLOM– Student Oral Language Observation Matrix (5—traits: comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation) SOLOM– Student Oral Language Observation Matrix (5—traits: comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation) Jan. 19, 2010

7 Acquisition of English as a Non-Native Language TESOL—Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages TESOL—Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages ESEA—Elementary and Secondary Education Act ESEA—Elementary and Secondary Education Act NAEP—National Assessment of Education Progress NAEP—National Assessment of Education Progress Jan. 19, 2010

8 Pejorative Terms/Phrases EL/ELL English Learner EL/ELL English Learner (NOT LEP—limited English proficient) Students with learning disabilities Students with learning disabilities (NOT Learning disabled students) A person with epilepsy A person with epilepsy (NOT an epileptic) Jan. 19, 2010

9 Other Pejorative Terms/Phrases A child with a physical disability A child with a physical disability (NOT a crippled child) Handicap = “cap-in-hand” Disability = the inability to do something specific such as walk or hear; not always a handicap Handicap = a disadvantage in a particular situation, sometimes caused by a disability Jan. 19, 2010

10 Disability & Handicap A disability becomes a handicap in certain contexts A disability becomes a handicap in certain contexts For example: Being blind is a disability For example: Being blind is a disability When does it become a handicap? When does it become a handicap? It is important that we not create handicaps for people by the way we react to their disabilities. Jan. 19, 2010

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