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MH Internship Student Orientation Mental Health Training Program INFORMATION MEETING San Diego State University School of Social Work AGENDA  Introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "MH Internship Student Orientation Mental Health Training Program INFORMATION MEETING San Diego State University School of Social Work AGENDA  Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 MH Internship Student Orientation Mental Health Training Program INFORMATION MEETING San Diego State University School of Social Work AGENDA  Introduction & Vision of MHTP  Eligibility criteria  University/School’s obligations  Student obligations  Questions and Answers

2 MH Internship Student Orientation DISCLAIMER  We anticipate State funding approval to continue this program into the 2012/2013 year and for the next two years  Please understand that once a field placement has been arranged with a student, it will not change if MHTP does not continue.

3 MH Internship Student Orientation INTRODUCTION and VISION OF MHTP PROGRAM  Mental Health Services Act November 2004 (Prop 63) “To transform the delivery of mental health services in California. To enhance voluntary mental health services that promote recovery, wellness and resilience”.

4 Mental Health Services Act If you are applying for the MHTP you need to become familiar with the Mental Health Services Act The MHTP program is a collaboration between the State DMH, Calswec and individual schools of social work in California California Social Work Education Council  MH Internship Student Orientation

5 ELIGIBILITY Final year of two, three or four year program Academic good standing 3.0 GPA Direct practice or Admin and Community Development track both eligible Citizen or permanent resident

6 Selection Criteria Application, essay, interview Mental health work or internship experience Language/cultural diversity Lived experience as consumer or mental health services or family member MH Internship Student Orientation

7 Commitment to work in public mental health Career goals – commitment to work in public mental health field. Things to bear in mind – Pros and Cons One year of employment pay-back in an eligible agency Some internships and jobs are not eligible $18,500 stipend supports graduate education MH Internship Student Orientation

8 THE UNIVERSITY’S OBLIGATIONS  Facilitate Field Placement in Mental Health Agency  Assure Criminal Background Prescreening, Fingerprinting  Provide Funds $18,500 per academic year  Assist with Employment post graduation

9 MH Internship Student Orientation STUDENT CONTRACT OBLIGATIONS Internship in appropriate agency Employment Obligation – one year in appropriate agency in California Pass Fingerprint /Live Scan Satisfactory Academic Progress  Participation in Surveys, Seminars, Field trips

10 MH Internship Student Orientation EMPLOYMENT OBLIGATION  Within 6 months Post Graduation  County or Contract MH Agency Ideally, accept first full time job offered One Year Commitment Provisions for part time and voluntary pay-back  Extension Possible SDSU AND CALSWEC Approval  Other Counties in California OK  Apply for waiver – or Consequences

11 MH Internship Student Orientation REPAYMENT 1.Does not finish school  Repay all funds  Interest rate 3-5% 2.Withdraws after graduation  Ex. No effort to work 3.Untimely payment  Block records/Transcripts  Intercept tax returns  Report to credit bureaus

12 MH Internship Student Orientation HARDSHIP, DISABILITY  REQUEST MODIFICATION Specific Time Frame Pro-Rata Repayment  WAIVER Due to illness, disability, hardship, military deployment SDSU/CalSWEC Approval

13 MH Internship Student Orientation Evaluation Activities  Provide Permanent Address Maintain/update – agree to respond to surveys post graduation and payback period  Consent for contact For documentation of completion of employment, program reports & evaluations

14 MH Internship Student Orientation Specialized MH Curriculum  Calswec Mental Health Competencies  Curriculum 702 – Mental Health Policy 720 – Psychopathology (DSM) 781 Seminar: Psychosocial Rehabilitation for individuals with serious mental illness Enrichment seminars FIELD TRIPS

15 MH Internship Student Orientation Internship & Employment Eligibility  Internship and Employment post grad must be in a voluntary setting  County or County Contract Agency  i.e. Cannot be in in-patient psychiatric hospital, jail, State Hospital, VA, private entity not funded by County

16 MH Internship Student Orientation Weigh Pros and Cons  PROS  $18,500 stipend  Participation in prestigious program well known in the community  Assistance with job search post graduation  Specialized curriculum – area of expertize  Enrichment seminars, speakers, field trips,  ONE year of employment pay back obligation  CONS / Things to bear in mind:  There are some limitations to internship and employment choices

17 MH Internship Student Orientation STEPS TO APPLY STEPS TO APPLY  Complete Application /Sign/Submit – Keep a copy (Available on web site)  Write essay/statement on mental health practice  Review contract obligations Applications are due by  FRIDAY JANUARY 20 TH  Paper copy due to SSW office

18 ESSAY Applicant asked to address 5 topics: Mental Health Services Act Prior personal and professional experience in mental health/career goals Recovery Model vs. Medical Model Barriers to treatment, role of stigma Why you are a good candidate MH Internship Student Orientation

19 DATES TO REMEMBER  MHTP Application deadline and  Placement planning meeting Friday January 20 TH  Agency Fair – Thursday January 26 th  Choose 2 nd year agency choices  Field application deadline Friday February 3 rd  MHTP interviews @ February 1 st – 10 th

20 Thanks and Good Luck Thank you for your interest in the program If any one cannot be at today’s meeting One more informational meeting Friday December 9 th, 9 am to 9:30 am HH 134 Any other questions: Candy Elson MH Internship Student Orientation

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