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Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah …. Biblical Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah Ezra Teaches The LawNehemiah Builds The Walls.

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1 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah …

2 Biblical Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah Ezra Teaches The LawNehemiah Builds The Walls

3 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah A Link To The Past Neh 11-13  The wall is re-dedicated 12:27-43  It had taken 52 days to build 6:15  Now it would be “re-dedicated” as the city was being re-populated  Hezekiah’s restoration activities were sort of a “pattern” 2 Chron 29:20-29

4 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah A Link To The Past Neh 11-13  The wall is re-dedicated 12:27-43  Possibly the highlight was the “walking of the walls” vv. 31-43  They encircled the city on top of the walls  Ezra & Nehemiah led 2 groups vv. 36, 38  The remnant offered musical praise…it caused much rejoicing v. 43

5 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah A Link To The Past Neh 11-13  Other “duties” 12:44-47  Nehemiah instituted the procedures for gathering & storing all that was required for the priests & Levites  This also included provisions for singers & gatekeepers who served at the temple

6 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah A Link To The Past Neh 11-13  Other “duties” 12:44-47  They were attentive to that which was “…required by the Law” v. 44b  They also observed the procedures “…established by David & Solomon” vv. 45b-46 2 Chron 29:25

7 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah A Link To The Past Neh 11-13  Foreigners excluded 13:1-3  Once again, the Law was publicly read v. 1a 8:1-6 9:3 Deut 31:10-13  It was learned the presence of Moabites and Ammonites was forbidden…they had been hostile toward Israel vv. 1b-2 Deut 2:29 23:3-5 Num 22-24

8 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah A Link To The Past Neh 11-13  One Ammonite specifically 13:4-9  Tobiah had been given a room within the temple storage area vv. 4-5  This was done because of his marriage into one of the remnant’s leading families 6:17-19

9 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah A Link To The Past Neh 11-13  One Ammonite specifically 13:4-9  Tobiah’s temple residence existed mainly because of Nehemiah’s absence v. 6  He had gone back to Persia 2:6  When Nehemiah returned, Tobiah was “thrown out” & the rooms were cleansed vv. 7-9

10 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah A Link To The Past Neh 11-13  One Ammonite specifically 13:4-9  Is Neh 13:8b-9 & Mt 21:12-13 “similar?”  Nehemiah’s actions seem to match Jesus’ concerns re: defilement of God’s house  Righteous indignation exhibited  Both took proactive action to defend the holy house of God

11 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah A Link To The Past Neh 11-13  Failures Nehemiah addressed 13:10-31 Ê Tithes had not been given vv. 10-14  The portions for the Levites & priests had not been gathered & collected  This caused the Levites to leave their temple work & return to the fields  This caused God’s house to be forsaken

12 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah A Link To The Past Neh 11-13  Failures Nehemiah addressed 13:10-31 Ê Tithes had not been given vv. 10-14  The officials (leaders) had allowed this to happen…they were reprimanded  This was a violation of their previously signed pledge 10:37  He restored order vv. 11-13

13 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah A Link To The Past Neh 11-13  Failures Nehemiah addressed 13:10-31 Ê Tithes had not been given vv. 10-14  Nehemiah also prayed for courage and strength to do right cp. 1:5-11a 2:4 4:4-5, 9 5:19 6:9b, 14

14 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah A Link To The Past Neh 11-13  Failures Nehemiah addressed 13:10-31 Ë Profaning the Sabbath vv. 15-22  Some were working on the Sabbath…a clear violation of the Law Ex 20:8-11  Others were trading in commerce on the Sabbath with pagans…a violation of their previously signed pledge 10:31

15 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah A Link To The Past Neh 11-13  Failures Nehemiah addressed 13:10-31 Ë Profaning the Sabbath vv. 15-22  Nehemiah rebuked them for engaging in deeds that were similar to what their fathers had done…actions that brought God’s punishment vv. 17-18

16 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah A Link To The Past Neh 11-13  Failures Nehemiah addressed 13:10-31 Ë Profaning the Sabbath vv. 15-22  Nehemiah orders the gates closed before Sabbath…not opened until after  He also orders the pagans away from the city…warns them they will be removed by force if they did not leave

17 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah A Link To The Past Neh 11-13  Failures Nehemiah addressed 13:10-31 Ë Profaning the Sabbath vv. 15-22  He tells the Levites to purify themselves and act as gatekeepers on the Sabbath  He again prays for success and compassion from God cp. 1:5-11a 2:4 4:4-5, 9 5:19 6:9b, 14 13:14

18 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah A Link To The Past Neh 11-13  Failures Nehemiah addressed 13:10-31 Ì Intermarriage with pagans vv. 23-29  A problem that wouldn’t go away Ezra 9:1-2 Mal 2:10-16  Another violation of their previously signed pledge 10:30

19 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah A Link To The Past Neh 11-13  Failures Nehemiah addressed 13:10-31 Ì Intermarriage with pagans vv. 23-29  It also caused practical problems…the language of Judah was being lost v. 24  Nehemiah showed his great disdain for this reoccurring sin v. 25

20 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah A Link To The Past Neh 11-13  Failures Nehemiah addressed 13:10-31 Ì Intermarriage with pagans vv. 23-29  He also reminded them of Solomon’s failure vv. 26-27 1 Kings 11:1-10  Especially painful was Eliashib’s actions v. 28 cp. 13:4-8  One more time, Nehemiah prays v. 29

21 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah A Link To The Past Neh 11-13  Nehemiah purified the priests from their foreign “defilements” 13:30-31a  He re-focused their attention on their duties to serve at the temple  Nehemiah’s story ends appropriately… he prays 13:31b

22 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah “The final chapter of Nehemiah underscores the impression already created by the earlier chapters about this man. He was fervent in zeal for Yahweh. He possessed a holy boldness which made him brutally blunt with both friend and foe. Nehemiah was a masterful organizer and motivator. He was also a man of action. Even more important, he was a man of the Scripture and a man of prayer. A man who approaches God on his knees will stand tall in any generation.” - James E. Smith Old Testament Survey Series, Vol. 2, pg. 755

23 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah …

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