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Spanish Colonization Chapter 7.1-7.2. The New World In 1700 By 1700, Spain & France each controlled about the same amount of territory in the New World.

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Presentation on theme: "Spanish Colonization Chapter 7.1-7.2. The New World In 1700 By 1700, Spain & France each controlled about the same amount of territory in the New World."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spanish Colonization Chapter 7.1-7.2

2 The New World In 1700 By 1700, Spain & France each controlled about the same amount of territory in the New World.

3 Spanish Colonization Spain established Missions, Presidios & Pueblos (Civil Settlements) to colonize Texas.

4 Missions Main purpose was to convert Native Texans to Catholicism & make loyal subjects to Spain. Very few Natives actually converted 26 were built by the end of the 1700s

5 Presidios Main purpose was to protect Spanish colonists from Native attacks. Soldiers would also bring back Natives who escaped the Missions.

6 Civil Settlements (Pueblos) Colonists from Spain were brought in for colonies to grow & survive. The 1 st group of colonists to establish a pueblo were the Canary Islanders who settled San Antonio in 1730.

7 Town Life The Alcalde kept order while the Ayuntamiento carried out the Spanish king’s orders. Dances were used to meet neighbors, promote friendships, lift settler’s spirits & help to escape hardships.

8 Jose de Escandon Military commander & Governor of Nuevo Santander (Laredo) Sent 3,000 settlers, soldiers & priests to settle lands between the Rio Grande & Nueces rivers.

9 Main Population Areas In the late 1700s, 3,500 colonists lived in Texas: 1.San Antonio (2,000) 2.La Bahia (1,000) 3.Nacogdoches (500)

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