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How Scotland learns to work and what it means for the learning profession in Scotland Dr John McGurk Head of CIPD Scotland.

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Presentation on theme: "How Scotland learns to work and what it means for the learning profession in Scotland Dr John McGurk Head of CIPD Scotland."— Presentation transcript:

1 How Scotland learns to work and what it means for the learning profession in Scotland Dr John McGurk Head of CIPD Scotland

2 A more purposeful, energised and co- ordinated network. Collaborating and connecting to key customer groups and being more agile in the market. Putting our brand expertise and voice at the centre of Scotland’s workplace and business conversation. We were set up to deliver:

3 Scotland's Skilled Future and the socio- economics of learning L2W campaiagn, Policy initiatives, Innovation board membership, megatrends, age diverse working

4 Socio economics of learning Engagement activities, wellbeing, resilience toolkit, WTR review, new leadership on research, Trust, culture and risk

5 Our vision for Scotland

6 Role of learning and development Do more L&D is one of the key accelerators to Scotland's skilled future Profession needs to get to the heart of the conversation about Scotland’s skills and human capital CIPD’s new focus on science of HR means behavioural and increasingly natural sciences will inform us. – Go beyond design and delivery – Curiosity champions – Curators – Connectors – Canaries Re- think your role

7 Thanks for listening

8 Developing Scotland’s Young People (see slide 5 box 1) What’s most important which IS being tackled Whats’ most important and ISN’T being tackled What else do you think should be addressed What role should the L&D profession play

9 Building Skills for Scotland’s Future(see slide 5 box 1) What needs to happen around innovation What should HR/L&D’s role be in technology

10 Building Skills for Scotland’s Future(see slide 5 box 1) What industries should we be focusing on to drive our future skills base. If STEM skills are importnat what should we build them in the workplacedo t

11 Developing engagement, wellbeing and resilience What more should we do on enagagement Whats’ most important on wellbeing and ISN’T being tackled What does workplace relillience mean and how should CIPD/learning chapion this. What role should the L&D profession play

12 Developing skills to lead the future How can we best promote high road strategies given the preponderance of SME’s Should we help promote enterprise and entrepreneurship? What else do you think should be addressed What role should the L&D profession play

13 What’s missing?

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