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UjsSE.  In the video you just watched Mr. Brewer gave you some tips on how to give an effective presentation. Now.

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Presentation on theme: "UjsSE.  In the video you just watched Mr. Brewer gave you some tips on how to give an effective presentation. Now."— Presentation transcript:

1 UjsSE

2  In the video you just watched Mr. Brewer gave you some tips on how to give an effective presentation. Now watch the next video and write down the things that the speaker is doing wrong.  7wQ 7wQ

3  In the other sessions you have been learning how to ‘work with others’ and give an effective oral presentation. Now it’s your turn to put some of these strategies into practise.  Your presentation will be marked by your peers.

4  In groups of four you are to research one of the following Crossroads topics:- The benefits of growing up in Australia The best sport in Australia is………… and why. Why or why isn’t school the best time of your life. The greatest movie or video game ever produced is ……….and why.  Write a 3 minute oral presentation on your chosen subject  Present your oral presentation.

5  Remember what you have learnt about delegating and making sure each member is working with the group.

6  Remember the tips for giving a good presentation.  You will be marked on your presentation by your peers. They will make sure you have remembered the tips.

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