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“THINGS TO THINK ABOUT AS YOU DISCUSS WITH YOUR GROUP” Tips for making a good presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "“THINGS TO THINK ABOUT AS YOU DISCUSS WITH YOUR GROUP” Tips for making a good presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 “THINGS TO THINK ABOUT AS YOU DISCUSS WITH YOUR GROUP” Tips for making a good presentation

2 Presentations can be ANYTHING!!! Presentations can be ANYTHING. Prezis, homemade videos, games, lectures, lecture with quizzes or discussions or videos, PowerPoint’s, glogsters etc, ANYTHING!!! You could have four different strategies or your group could all choose to use the same presentation strategy. It is up to you and your group.

3 Due Date Let’s Not Rush Perfection!.... But I would like to see a group that is ready to present by the beginning of next week. A more formal due date will be set as the quality of presentations are assessed. Should be finished in 2 weeks at the latest.

4 Presentations should be three things Timely Organized Engaging ***A formal presentation rubric that you will graded can be found on the class wiki***

5 Be Timely Be Timely - Roughly 15-20 minutes per group which is roughly 3-5 minutes per person.  If videos are used they may not exceed 2 minutes in length. See Mr. Gordon soon if you think you should have a worthy exception.

6 Be Organized Be Organized - Facts and Figures should not be random, but coherent and logical. Ideally the information you present should build to the central ideas or main focus of your individual presentation. Don’t just spit out random facts about your topic. Remember your job is to help us understand what you have learned and found interesting through conducting this project.

7 Be Engaging Be Engaging – Don’t Bore Us, Entertain Us! If your excited about what you are teaching us, we are going to be more excited to learn it. You can ask the class discussion questions about their opinions or what they know. Be sure that everyone will be able to see your information.  That means posters are probably not going to cut it – think technology. Don’t be nervous either, you’ll do GREAT!

8 As a group and by the time you leave class… You need to figure out the order of who is going to present.  Think of what order makes the most sense What is your presentation going to look like?  What strategy(s) are you going to use. What sort of things are you going to do engage the audience?  Remember this is not just standing up and lecturing, get the audience involved somehow. Write down your groups response to the above prompts and hand in before the end of class.

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