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GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER  EARTH SCIENCES DIVISION A few slides about GEOS-5 Steven Pawson Global Modeling and Assimilation Office NASA GSFC.

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1 GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER  EARTH SCIENCES DIVISION A few slides about GEOS-5 Steven Pawson Global Modeling and Assimilation Office NASA GSFC

2 GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER  EARTH SCIENCES DIVISION GMAO Themes Weather Analysis and Prediction Seasonal-to-Decadal Analysis and Prediction Global Mesoscale Modeling Reanalysis Observing System Science These (non-orthogonal) themes span GMAO’s main focus areas Our system is modular and encompasses much of the Earth System Strong emphasis on NASA’s Earth Observations

3 GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER  EARTH SCIENCES DIVISION The Evolution of GEOS-FP This system is GMAO’s forefront operational system, supporting NASA Field Missions, using data from NASA’s Space Missions This week C360L72 3D-EnVar This week C360L72 3D-EnVar This Aug. C360L72 4D-EnVar This Aug. C360L72 4D-EnVar Last week C360L72 3DVar Last week C360L72 3DVar Next Year C720L137 4D-EnVar Next Year C720L137 4D-EnVar Changes to assimilation methodology Changes to GEOS-5 GCM New filespec Changes to GEOS-5 GCM New filespec Changes to assimilation methodology ISS-Rapidscat Ocean skin T GPM All-Sky Radiances

4 GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER  EARTH SCIENCES DIVISION Chemical components in GEOS-5 Forward processing and reanalyses now include aerosols – will bring them into seasonal forecasts as we re-vamp that system Interactive ozone can also be important on weeks-seasonal forecasts Ozone at 400hPa in a test simulation of GEOS-5, with GMAI Chemistry, run at C720L72 resolution (near 12.5 km). Note the rich spectrum of the distribution! By Eric Nielsen Also working on GEOS-Chem

5 GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER  EARTH SCIENCES DIVISION Reanalysis (1) This system is a stable GMAO system, with a commitment to multi- year analyses, used for climate diagnostics, CCMs, etc. MERRAMERRA-2Next Target System vintage200820142017 Release2011mid 2015late 2018 ScopeAtmosphereAtmosphere, including aerosols and land correction Atmosphere-ocean-ice- land Resolution0.5°×0.66° L720.5°×0.625° L72 (C180 cubed sphere) 0.25°×0.3125° L137 (C360 cubed sphere) + 25-km ocean Analysis3D-Var atmos 4D EnsVar atmos + EnKF land + EnOI ocean

6 GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER  EARTH SCIENCES DIVISION Reanalysis (2) Global Mean Precipitation (mm/day) Global Mean Difference in TPW with ERA-Interim (mm) MERRA-2 MERRA CFSR ERA-Int GPCP MERRA-2 MERRA N15,16F10,11SSMI ends F08 MW data sources with large impact on MERRA have much less impact on MERRA-2

7 GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER  EARTH SCIENCES DIVISION GEOS-5: Summary  Very exciting changes coming from GMAO  New reanalysis and a concerted effort towards IESA  New series of FP systems  Aerosol included: MODIS & AVHRR/GOCART so far  Collaborative work is engaging GEOS-Chem community

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