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Department of Water Affairs and Forestry National Arbor Week – 1-7 September 2005 Integrated Communications Campaign.

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1 Department of Water Affairs and Forestry National Arbor Week – 1-7 September 2005 Integrated Communications Campaign

2 Introduction Highlighting the opportunities for sustainable economic development, community participation, poverty alleviation and job creation in forestry. Communicating government’s forestry policies and legislation developed over the last years and how it can change people’s lives Focusing on partnerships with stakeholders

3 Campaign Objectives Inform communities of the methods and benefits of LT sustainable use of indigenous trees and forests; Emphasize community involvement in forestry poverty alleviation through job creation; Encourage tree planting by communities, schools and other institutions throughout SA; Raising awareness of the dangers of veld and forest fires and the prevention strategies; Encourage economic development in forestry; Providing educational information about forestry issues and promoting careers in forestry

4 Theme and Target audience Plant a tree – Grow our future General South African Public Rural communities and informal settlements Urban communities Women and youth Educational institutions and learners Media Local authorities Business and Industry

5 Communication mechanisms Political buy-in Minister informed Premiers and Mayors of AW and invited them to participate Events National events by Minister and Regional events by DWAF regional offices Support material Poster, 2 pamphlets, t-shirts, caps, watering can Printed and electronic media TV, radio and print media advertising and educational supplements Media monitoring

6 Minister’s events 29 August – Tree planting in Kliptown, Soweto with media partners 1 September – Community event re afforestation in Idutywa, Eastern Cape 2 September – Urban greening with Ekurhuleni Municipality 5 September – Small grower’s event in KZN 6 September – Community event in Northern Cape 7 September – Launch of the FDRS in Western Cape

7 Poster 60 000 A1 posters printed and distributed to DWAF’s regional offices (for further distribution), the Map Shop (for public) Total SA (they are a main sponsor and printed more copies for their own distribution), to public on request.

8 Pamphlets Two different pamphlets were produced. The one focuses on the trees of the year and the second is a general pamphlet about forestry

9 T-shirts 500 t-shirts have been produced for Ministerial events. Artwork has been supplied to regional offices to produce for their regional events

10 Caps 500 caps have been produced for Ministerial events. Artwork has been supplied to regional offices to produce for their regional events

11 Watering can 2700 watering cans have been produced for Ministerial events. Artwork has been supplied to regional offices to produce for their regional events

12 Media Advertising The strip advertisement will be in the Beeld, Burger, Volksblad, Daily Sun, Cape Argus, Cape Times, Star, Pta News, EP Herald, Daily Dispatch, Natal Witness, Natal Mercury, Isolezwe, Sunday Times, Sunday Sun, Rapport, City Press, Sowetan during AW and articles written for supplements

13 Media Media coverage will be secured for all the events in both printed and electronic media Media interviews to be arranged Primary Matters to be featured in the Star, Pretoria News, Cape Argus and Daily News Western Cape Schools News placed material and 50 000 copies to be distributed.

14 Media: ReadRight ReadRight in Sunday Times featured a supplement of 4 pages on 21 August. The target audience is primary school children

15 Radio 30 second radio advertisements will be heard on 21 stations at least 3 times a day during Arbor Week. The radio advertisement has been translated in all 11 languages. 45 second radio advertisements will be heard on selected stations produced by Sappi in partnership with DWAF. A world without trees? If we don’t plant them today, what will our future hold? Grow our future - Plant a tree this Arbor Week from 1-7 September This message was brought to you by the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry and Total South Africa

16 Television A 10 second television advertisement will be shown just before the evening News as part of the TV clock on all SABC television stations as well as ETV for the week 1-7 September.

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