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Organizing to Win a Strong Contract SDEA MEMBERS.

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Presentation on theme: "Organizing to Win a Strong Contract SDEA MEMBERS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organizing to Win a Strong Contract SDEA MEMBERS

2 Bargaining Input Sessions across our Union provided members an opportunity to identify bargaining priorities for the 2014 successor agreement. Dozens of member volunteers held more than: 107 Input Sessions with more than 1684 Members participating The SDEA Bargaining Commission and Bargaining Team have reviewed the input collected from members and have determined the bargaining priorities.

3 This is what matters most in our contract ….. Salary Increase Retirement Incentive Maintain & Improve Fully Paid Family Health Coverage in VEBA Lower Class Sizes & Caseloads Special Education Inclusion Protections Objective excess transfer rights Protect & Improve Workload Rights Preparation Time

4 In order to achieve our priorities, SDEA members are ready to participate in organizing efforts to support the bargaining campaign and gain a strong contract! “The power we build in the bargaining campaign will be lasting power that will increase the capacity of members to win in the future.”

5 SDEA 2014 Bargaining Campaign Winter 2014 Spring/Summer 2014Fall 2014 & Beyond Rep. Council share-out of member priorities from Bargaining Input Sessions Bargaining Team/Commission creates initial proposal based on Bargaining Input Session data SDEA Board approves initial proposals Rep. Council and site meeting review of initial proposals Bargaining campaign- related training for ARs at Rep. Council Organizing Plan development (Jan. 2014) Union-wide solidarity actions in support of bargaining campaign Site-based solidarity actions in support of bargaining campaign Ongoing School Board accountability Bargaining campaign- related training for ARs at Rep. Council Build parent support for bargaining campaign, including database of influential and supportive parents by site Organizing Team continues to evaluate, revise, plan; emphasis on tactics and implementation of Organizing Plan Sunshine proposal with solidarity action (March 2014) Ongoing site-based solidarity actions in support of bargaining campaign Regular and prompt bargaining updates Member-centered media campaign Escalated site-based and union-wide actions targeting decision makers Organize joint educator- parent actions in support of bargaining campaign Engage community allies and labor groups in pressuring School Board Heightened media campaign Regular and prompt bargaining updates If no settlement by late fall, crisis organizing! School Board election organizing (Nov. 2014)

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