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Strategic Planning for an Air Quality Program Ondrea Barber Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Planning for an Air Quality Program Ondrea Barber Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Planning for an Air Quality Program Ondrea Barber Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community

2 2 Environmental Protection & Natural Resources Manager Environmental Protection & Compliance Supervisor Nat. Resources & Land Use Compliance Supervisor Water Quality Program Env. Policy & Program Development Air Quality Program Environmental Engineer Environmental Engineer (Stormwater) Senior Environmental Specialist Environmental Specialist Environmental Engineer (Policy Analyst) Senior Environmental Specialist (Solid Waste) Senior Env. Specialist (Recycling Coordinator) Senior Env. Specialist (Hazardous Substances) Environmental Engineer Senior Environmental Specialist Environmental Specialist Environmental Technician Land Use Compliance Range Management Program Senior Environmental Specialist Senior Env. Specialist (Enforcement & Compliance) Environmental Specialist (NEPA) Staff Archaeologist Environmental Specialist Environmental Technician

3 3 Environmental Programs Air Quality Water Quality Solid Waste Pesticide Control Range Management General Assistant Programs Special Projects

4 4 Air Quality Program Federally funded through EPA grant since late 1990s Ambient air quality monitoring program Regulatory program Capacity development Community outreach

5 5 Air Quality Program (cont.) Encourage self-governance (sovereignty) Establish relationships with neighboring jurisdictions Regional planning processes Assistance to other tribal communities

6 6 Ambient Monitoring Program 5 monitoring sites Meteorological data, ozone, PM 10, PM 2.5, toxics (VOC & PM 2.5 speciation), DOAS Continuous & filter-based Utilization of TAMS Center Partnerships with neighboring tribes & other jurisdictions

7 7 Regulatory Development Tribal ordinances (open burning, fugitive dust, other issues) Request for eligibility determination–CAA APPROVED October 2008 Development of Tribal Implementation Plan Regulatory partnership with U.S. EPA

8 8 Capacity Development ITEP courses Partnerships with tribal, state, county Establishment of Environmental Technician position (community underfill policy) Cross-training opportunities Increased tribal $ for staff

9 9 Community Outreach Newspaper articles School, community & council presentations Development of SRPMIC Network ( National Environmental Information Exchange Network) AQS AirNow, AQI AQ Flag Poles

10 10 Other Elements Participation in RPO (WRAP) Regional & national initiatives (ITCA, NTAA, TAMS, others) Development of tribal audit & technical assistance network Partnerships with community departments & outside agencies to leverage resources

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14 14 General Assistance Grant Comprehensive program development NEIEN–reporting and compliance Ordinances and codes Enforcement and regulatory development Education/outreach

15 15 Strategic Planning – Short-term Conducted annually for each program, division & department On-going process throughout year Incorporate goals & objectives in grant proposals Incorporate community input Include ALL staff in planning

16 16 Strategic Planning – Long-Term 3 Year plan completed for EPNR (2008- 2011) w/ annual updates Comprehensive analysis “State of the Division” Comprehensive planning (SWOT analysis, etc.) Develop long-term goals/objectives (not tasks–they’re included in annual strategic planning)

17 17 Strategic Planning – Long-Term (cont.) Incorporate community input Include ALL staff in planning Communicate & publicize plan Allow new ideas/changes to occur during the 3-5 year period (not set in stone) Time invested will pay off

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