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Thinking and Language Language Development Language zLanguage your spoken, written, or gestured works and the way we combine them to communicate meaning.

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2 Thinking and Language Language Development

3 Language zLanguage your spoken, written, or gestured works and the way we combine them to communicate meaning

4 Language Structure zPhoneme yin a spoken language, the smallest distinctive sound unit zMorpheme yin a language, the smallest unit that carries meaning ymay be a word or a part of a word (such as a prefix)

5 Language Structure zGrammar ya system of rules in a language that enables us to communicate with and understand others ySemantics xthe set of rules by which we derive meaning from morphemes, words, and sentences in a given language ySyntax xthe rules for combining words into grammatically sensible sentences in a given language

6 Language Development zBabbling Stage ybeginning at 3 to 4 months ythe stage of speech development in which the infant spontaneously utters various sounds at first unrelated to the household language zOne-Word Stage yfrom about age 1 to 2 ythe stage in speech development during which a child speaks mostly in single words

7 Language Development zTwo-Word Stage ybeginning about age 2 ythe stage in speech development during which a child speaks mostly two-word statements zTelegraphic Speech yearly speech stage in which the child speaks like a telegram – “go car” – using mostly nouns and verbs and omitting “auxiliary” words

8 Language Development Summary of Language Development Month (approximate) Stage 4 10 12 24 24+ Babbles many speech sounds. Babbling reveals households language. One-word stage. Two-world, telegraphic speech. Language develops rapidly into Complete sentences.

9 Theories of Language Development zSkinner: Operant learning zChomsky: Inborn Universal Grammar zCognitive Neuroscientists: Statistical Learning

10 Language Development Genes Environment spoken language heard Brain Mechanisms for understanding and producing language Behavior Mastery of native language provides input to design

11 Thinking and Language zLinguistic Relativity yWhorf’s hypothesis that language determines the way we think

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