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Welcome to Week 15! Financial Accounting Chapter 11 Ashton Converse Stockholder’s Equity.

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1 Welcome to Week 15! Financial Accounting Chapter 11 Ashton Converse Stockholder’s Equity

2 Objectives/Schedule  Welcome: Hope you had a good weekend! Lets finish strong!  Quiz: Relax, Focus, Think, and No Cheating  Discuss Stock Reports: How was the activity?  Collect Homework  Start Chapter 11: Different Learning and Teaching Style  Student Led Learning

3 Quiz Questions…try your best There are 10 questions. For each question, you have 1.5 minutes to answer. You do not need to write the question, just the number. Jia You! 1.What is a debt that has a long life called? 2.What is the key to accounting? 3.Constitution governing a corporation is called what? 4.Group elected by the stockholders to set policy or a corporation and to appoint its officers is called?

4 5.The most powerful person on the board of directors is ___________? 6.Give me an example of an intangible asset? 7.Employee compensation for their work and a major expense for companies is _________? 8.Employee compensation to be received after retirement is called what? 9.Federal government grant giving the holder the right for 20 years to produce and sell an invention is called what? 10.Depreciation is caused by mainly 2 things, name one of theses things.

5 Collect Homework Please hand your stock report summaries forward to me.  What did you think of the activity?  Was it more difficult than you thought or less difficult?  Did you learn something?  How many of you think your stock price will increase next month?  How many of you think it will decrease?

6 Chapter 11 Income Statement & The Statement of Stockholders’ Equity  Learning Objectives  Analyze income statements  Analyze a statement of stockholders’ equity  Understand managers’ and auditors’ responsibilities for the financial statements  Learn through teaching…one of the best ways to learn is to discover and explain to others

7 Student Led Learning  When you have a group of 4, tell me, then I will give you a term or concept to prepare.  The first half of the class, I will give you time to research in your book or phone about the concepts and prepare a very short lesson for each word.  Be creative and make sure to at the least do the following (your team will teach for 3 min):  Define the concept or term, put it in your own words, give an example, teach it to your classmates

8 Concepts to Choose From! 1.Investment Capitalization Rate 2.Extraordinary Gains and Losses 3.Earnings Per Share 4.Comprehensive Income 5.What should you analyze to gain an overall picture of a company? Pg. 518 6.Prior Period Adjustment 7.Statement of Stockholders’ Equity 8.Unqualified Opinion 9.Qualified Opinion 10.Adverse Opinion 11.Disclaimer 12.Decision Guideline Question 1 13.Decision Guideline 2 14.Decision Guideline 3 15.Management’s Responsibility

9 End of the Semester Schedule!  This week we looked at Chapter 11 and took our final quiz  Next week, the 16 th week we will do chapter 12 and 13  The final week, the 17 th, we will either have an applicable activity, movie, or finish chapter 13. Also, we will have a small review.  Our exam will be during one of the days January 2 nd, 3 rd, or 4 th.  FOR HOMEWORK: Read through a companies “Statement of Cash Flows” from the internet.

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