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Owned and operated as a joint venture by a consortium of Canadian universities via a contribution through the National Research Council Canada Propriété.

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Presentation on theme: "Owned and operated as a joint venture by a consortium of Canadian universities via a contribution through the National Research Council Canada Propriété."— Presentation transcript:

1 Owned and operated as a joint venture by a consortium of Canadian universities via a contribution through the National Research Council Canada Propriété d’un consortium d’universités canadiennes, géré en co-entreprise à partir d’une contribution administrée par le Conseil national de recherches Canada Canada’s National Laboratory for Particle and Nuclear Physics Laboratoire national canadien pour la recherche en physique nucléaire et en physique des particules Beam Line 4N ARIEL Science Workshop July 10-11, 2012 Y. Bylinski | Accelerator systems | TRIUMF

2 Outline July 10, 2012Y. Bylinski ARIEL Workshop2 Facility layout Beam parameters Design features Cyclotron upgrade requirements Schedule considerations Cost and resources estimate Summary

3 Y. Bylinski ARIEL Workshop3 ARIEL Facility Layout July 10, 2012

4 BL4N Tunnel Cross-section July 10, 2012Y. Bylinski ARIEL Workshop4 Protons Electrons

5 Beam Parameters Requirements July 10, 2012Y. Bylinski ARIEL Workshop5 Energy – 470-500 MeV Intensity – 1-100 μA Beam losses < 1 nA/m. Beam size at the target 2-10 mm (FWHM) Uniform beam density distribution on the target Beam spot position instability < 1mm Intensity instability <1%

6 BL4N design features July 10, 2012Y. Bylinski ARIEL Workshop6 Original design was done by Rick Baartman in 2009 Main features: Transport capacity: 200  A Beam dump capacity: 200  A Achromatic design Compensation of cyclotron’s dispersion and foil move Collimation of large angle scatters from foil (up to 1 μA) Collimation of beam halo due to energy dispersion Moderate aperture - 71 mm and small beam size < 15 mm Low loss beam transport and easy access to all optics Dedicated matching section to control beam size on target Beam rastering on target with AC steerers at 500 Hz

7 Beam envelope (original design) July 10, 2012Y. Bylinski ARIEL Workshop7

8 BL4N Layout July 10, 2012Y. Bylinski ARIEL Workshop8 Achromatic 68º bend Periodic section Beam dump Achromatic 90º bend Collimators

9 Cyclotron Capability July 10, 2012Y. Bylinski ARIEL Workshop9 Last decade routine operation: 220-250μA extracted Recently achieved: MuSR program & 500 MeV isotopes: BL1A (120μA) ISAC program: BL2A (100μA) Sr production: BL2C (80μA) Total (300μA) BL1A BL2A BL2C BL4

10 Future Needs for Beam July 10, 2012Y. Bylinski ARIEL Workshop10 Long term needs: MuSR program, UCN & 500 MeV isotopes: BL1A (120μA) ISAC program: BL2A (100μA) BL4N (<100μA) Sr production: BL2C (100μA) Total (<420μA) BL1A BL2A BL2C BL4

11 Cyclotron Upgrade & Development Needs July 10, 2012Y. Bylinski ARIEL Workshop11 New extraction probe 15-20% more RF power (RF distribution upgrade) Ion source upgrade to 1mA high brightness beam Centre region diagnostics upgrade Simultaneous extraction of 4 high intensity beams Total extracted beam intensity to reach ~400 μA Intensity stabilization for multiple extracted beams

12 Time Line Constraints 12 Cyclotron vault work: 2-3 shutdowns Old front-end cleanup New front-end installation Beam dump construction New extraction probe installation BL installation in the tunnel: 4-6 months Electron beam line re-configuration Electron beam delivery interruption Early installation for cyclotron development: Ex probe Beam dump Y. Bylinski ARIEL WorkshopJuly 10, 2012

13 Manpower (5YP estimate) 13 Physicists24 Engineers120 Designers80 Machine shop75 Controls30 Technicians240 Outside contractors21 Total:590 men-months Y. Bylinski ARIEL WorkshopJuly 10, 2012

14 Budget estimate 14 3 benders and 20 quads can be salvaged Rest of BL optics/PS 2100 k$ Vacuum equipment 300 k$ Diagnostics & probe500 k$ Beam dump500 k$ Infrastructure500 k$ Controls400 k$ Total equipment budget:4.3 M$ Y. Bylinski ARIEL WorkshopJuly 10, 2012

15 Summary July 10, 2012Y. Bylinski ARIEL Workshop15 Basic BL4N design has been done and meets requirements Equipment first order count allowed budget estimate Detailed design has to be started ASAP Project may spread over 3+ years or/and seriously impact beam delivery schedule Early start of installations in cyclotron vault is recommended to allow time for cyclotron development Cyclotron upgrade activities are being coordinated with ARIEL proton beam needs

16 Canada’s National Laboratory for Particle and Nuclear Physics Laboratoire national canadien pour la recherche en physique nucléaire et en physique des particules Thank you! Merci! 4004 Wesbrook Mall | Vancouver BC | Canada V6T 2A3 | Tel 604.222.1047 | Fax 604.222.1074 | July 10, 2012Y. Bylinski ARIEL Workshop 16

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