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KP-Lab - TOOL introduction 02.02.06 1 Knowledge-Practices Laboratory “KP-Lab” Working with innovative knowledge practices Anne Moen.

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Presentation on theme: "KP-Lab - TOOL introduction 02.02.06 1 Knowledge-Practices Laboratory “KP-Lab” Working with innovative knowledge practices Anne Moen."— Presentation transcript:

1 KP-Lab - TOOL introduction 02.02.06 1 Knowledge-Practices Laboratory “KP-Lab” Working with innovative knowledge practices Anne Moen

2 KP-Lab - TOOL introduction 02.02.06 2 KP-Lab Theoretical perspective –Individual learning and social transformation, knowledge-creation and methods re. ICT, innovation Technological components –Facilitate collaboration by creation of shared knowledge artifacts Longitudinal design experiment (empirical research) –Professional networks Teori Teknologi Empiri

3 KP-Lab - TOOL introduction 02.02.06 3 Important activities Analysis –Approaches to learning and knowledge-creation Literature review –Current practices – artifacts, practices Design –Applications and knowledge artifacts

4 KP-Lab - TOOL introduction 02.02.06 4 Contributions to innovation Theoretical –Beyond knowledge acquisition (cognitive) and Participation (“situated activity”) –Knowledge creation (“ innovation & learning ”) Technological innovation modular, flexible and extensible application systems Pedagogical innovation work with complex problem solving in professional communities and boundary crossing education-professional life Social innovation transform social practices around shared knowledge artifacts

5 KP-Lab - TOOL introduction 02.02.06 5 Among the challenges.. (1) Theoretical frameworks design artifacts –Integrating conceptual and material artifacts –Assess available technologies, what may be learned and used from –Knowledge Management systems (KM) –Collaborative technologies (CSCW) –Educational technology (f.eks. CSCL) –In addition Modifications and further development

6 KP-Lab - TOOL introduction 02.02.06 6 Integration of heterogeneous infrastructures –Technology –Social –Epistemological What are the intermediary building blocks? –Boundary objects (social units) –Application systems (technological units) –Pragmatic uses of aspects of theory (epistemology) –etc Among the challenges.. (2)

7 KP-Lab - TOOL introduction 02.02.06 7 KP-Lab - relation - TOOL Theories of learning Scenario-based design System development

8 KP-Lab - TOOL introduction 02.02.06 8 References; Hakkarainen, (2004) Communities of Networked Expertise: Professional and Educational Perspectives. Engestrøm (1999) Perspectives on Activity Theory.

9 KP-Lab - TOOL introduction 02.02.06 9 Sentrale modeller Nonaka/Takeuchi - Knowledge spiral (se Fig. 5, s. 112) Engeström - Expansive learning cycle (se Fig. 6, s. 114) Bereiter - Building and evolving conceptual artifacts (ako. Popperian World 3 objects, s. 123)

10 KP-Lab - TOOL introduction 02.02.06 10 Bereiter (Knowledge building, conceptual artifacts, Popperian epistemology) Engeström (Activity theory, expansive learning) Nonaka/Takeushi (knowledge-creating company, transformation from tacit to explicit knowledge) Hakkarainen m.fl. ønsker å forene aspekter av disse til å bygge et konseptuel rammeverk for trialogisk læring

11 KP-Lab - TOOL introduction 02.02.06 11 Trialogisk tilnærming Hakkarainen et al: Integrating conceptual and material artifacts, s. 127- 130) Innovative knowledge community (s. 145) –Extending community of practice to heterogeneous networks of collaborating knowledge developers Technology supporting the creation and developments of shared knowledge objects Open issue: what happened to the “cognitive dimension”, supporting Popper’s World 2?

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