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Microsoft® Excel 2013. 3 Key and format dates and times. 1 Use Date & Time functions. 2 Use date and time arithmetic. 3 Use the IF function. 4 Create.

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Presentation on theme: "Microsoft® Excel 2013. 3 Key and format dates and times. 1 Use Date & Time functions. 2 Use date and time arithmetic. 3 Use the IF function. 4 Create."— Presentation transcript:

1 Microsoft® Excel 2013


3 3 Key and format dates and times. 1 Use Date & Time functions. 2 Use date and time arithmetic. 3 Use the IF function. 4 Create and edit cell styles. 5 Use the AND, OR, and NOT functions. 6 Prepare worksheets for output. 7

4 4

5 When you key a date, Excel usually assigns its default date format. Depending on what you key, however, it may assign a format that more closely resembles what you keyed. Keyed DateDisplays As 15-jan-1215-Jan-12 january 15, 201215-Jan-12 2012/01/1501/15/12 You can REFORMAT a date to a preset or a custom format as needed

6  A custom date format is built using Excel format codes  The sections have codes for how to display positive values, negative values, zero and text  A custom date format has one section  You can use a preset format and edit it to be your own Note : See Table 6-1, p. 230 for Date Format Codes

7 When you key a time, you should key “am,” “pm,” or a colon to indicate that the value is a time Keyed TimeDisplays As 9 am9:00 AM 10:30 (is assumed as AM) 3:30 pm3:30 PM 13:30 (is assumed as PM) You can REFORMAT a time to a preset or custom format and specify a 12-hour or 24-hour clock

8 A custom time format is built using Excel format codes h m s AM/PM

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10  Excel’s date and time values use a serial number system  A serial number is a unique value assigned to every date  Serial numbers allow Excel to perform date and time arithmetic  Excel’s serial number system starts with:  January 1, 1900, is counted as 1  January 2, 1900, is counted as 2  Numbers are assigned values up to and including December 31, 9999

11  TODAY() – Displays the current date  NOW() – Displays the current date and time  Both functions have NO arguments and use the computer’s clock to display the current date  Either result can be formatted to show the date and/or the time  Neither of these functions has arguments.  Both of these functions are volatile (unstable)

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13  To determine an age, subtract the start or birth date from TODAY() or other relevant date  Divide those results by 365.25  Use parenthesis to subtract first  Example:  = ( Today( ) – Birthdate )/ 365.25

14  To determine time passed, subtract the start time from the end time  Multiply by 24 to convert the results to hours  Example:  =( End Time – Start Time )*24

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16  A logical function is an Excel formula that calculates if something is True or False  There are seven logical functions:  IF, IFERROR, AND, OR, NOT, TRUE, FALSE  Except for IF and IFERROR, logical functions show either TRUE or FALSE as their results

17  The result of an IF formula can be a value or a label  The IF function can use arithmetic, relational, or comparison operators; it has three arguments  Any text must be contained in quotes ( “ ” )  Arguments are separated by a comma (, )  The syntax for an IF function is: =IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false)

18 Logical_test is the first argument, the condition. It’s a statement or expression that is either True or False. The expression C5>50 is either true or false, depending on the value in cell C5. = IF(C5>50,C5*2, "None")

19 Value_if_true, the second argument, is what the formula shows if the logical_test is TRUE. In the example, if C5 is greater than 50, the value in cell C5 is multiplied by 2. Value_if_true can be a formula, a value, text, or a cell reference. =IF(C5>50,C5*2, "None")

20 Value_if_false, the third argument, is what the formula shows if the logical_test is NOT true, if it’s false. Value_if_false can be a formula, a value, text, or a cell reference. In the example, if the value in cell C5 is 50 or less, the result is the word None. =IF(C5>50,C5*2, "None")

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22  A cell style is a set of formatting attributes for labels or values  A cell style can contain font, number format, border, alignment, fill, and cell protection settings  The default cell style is named Normal  Home Tab, Styles Group  Click the Cell Styles button to see the Cell Styles gallery


24  Create your own cell style by choosing New Cell Style at the bottom of the Cell Styles gallery  Name the style and click Format. Make your choices  Your saved style names appear at the TOP of the gallery  When you edit a style, cells formatted by it are AUTOMATICALLY reformatted

25  You can reset to the general format by clearing the formats applied  Select cell(s)  Home Tab, Editing Group  Click the Clear button 25

26  The Repeat Command redoes the most recent action  This command does NOT appear on the ribbon  You can ADD it to the Quick Access Toolbar or press Ctrl + Y 26

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28  AND, OR, and NOT are logical functions that show either TRUE or FALSE as the result  They are often used as arguments for other functions (known as “nesting” functions)  They enable you to check for multiple conditions

29  ALL conditions must be met for a “True” result  Very restrictive, less True results  For example: Brown hair and blue eyes

30  In an “OR” function, any one of your logical tests can be true for the result to show “TRUE”  All tests must be false for the result be “FALSE” Less restrictive with more “True” results  For Example: Brown hair or blue eyes

31  In a “NOT” function, the reverse or opposite of the logical test must be true for the result to show “TRUE”  The “NOT” function has only ONE argument, and it is what you are NOT looking for

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33 Excel includes several commands to help you prepare a workbook for printing, for e-mailing, or for other forms of electronic distribution

34  A page break is a code in a worksheet that tells the printer to start a new page  Excel inserts automatic page breaks based on the paper size, the margins, the column widths, the font size, etc…  You can insert and delete manual page breaks, too

35 Manual page break Solid line Automatic page break Dashed line

36  The Breaks button is on the Page Layout tab in the Page Setup group

37  Print Titles repeat column or row labels on each printed sheet  Print Titles are typically used for worksheets that are too big to print on one page  The Print Titles button can be found on the Page Layout tab, in the Page Set-Up group

38 Bottom margin Right margin Top margin Left margin Header margin Footer margin Column markers

39 You can set a different header or footer for the first page

40  After you set the name and folder for saving the workbook, the Compatibility Checker runs.  You can continue as well as copy the summary to a new sheet as documentation.

41  A PDF is an Adobe portable document file format  A PDF format might be used to distribute the information to customers because PDF’s are easily viewed  To read a PDF file, the receiver needs install Adobe Reader, free software from Adobe Corporation  A PDF uses the file extension.pdf

42 You can publish the active sheet or the entire workbook as a PDF

43  Dates and times are common data types.  Most dates and times are automatically formatted with an appropriate style based on what you key.  Custom date and time formats use codes to specify how the value appears.

44  Because of Excel’s serial number system for dates, date and time arithmetic is possible.  Date and Time functions display or convert dates and times into various formats so that the values can be used as needed.  TODAY() and NOW() are volatile functions.

45  A cell style is a set of formatting attributes for labels and values.  Cell styles are coordinated with the document theme. They are listed in a gallery and are subject to Live Preview.  You can remove all formatting from a cell and return to the default Normal style.  You can create your own cell styles and save them with the workbook.

46  The IF function enables you to create formulas that test whether a condition is true and specify what should be shown or done.  The IF function can show text in its result, it can calculate a value, or it can show a cell reference.  AND, OR, and NOT are logical functions that show either TRUE or FALSE as a result.

47  Page breaks determine where a new printed page starts.  Excel inserts automatic page breaks based on the paper size, the margins, font size, and the amount of data.  You can insert and delete your own page breaks.  Page Break Preview shows the page breaks as solid (manual) or dashed (automatic) blue lines.

48  If a worksheet requires more than one printed page, use Print Titles to repeat column or row headings on each page.  There are options to set different headers or footers on even and odd pages or on the first printed page.  You can print each page number as well as the total number of pages in a worksheet as a header or a footer.

49  A workbook can be saved in Excel 97-2003 format for sharing.  The Excel Compatibility Checker finds features and formats that may not work in Excel 97- 2003 format.  A workbook can be saved as a PDF file for viewing by any one who has Adobe Reader.

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