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Chapter Seven Teaching Academic Reading Lauren Saunders and Kailey Rice.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter Seven Teaching Academic Reading Lauren Saunders and Kailey Rice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter Seven Teaching Academic Reading Lauren Saunders and Kailey Rice

2 Content Reading and L2 Reading Ability Content Reading is reading from text books. Reading different context books are hard regardless of one’s first language One needs specific skills in order to read specific types of books (math, science, economics, etc.) Highlighting words one doesn’t know helps determine comprehension/ability to read 0-10 Independent 1-20 Instructional 21 or more Frustration (every 100 words)

3 Content Reading and L2 Reading Ability (Continued) SQ3R- Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review Increases student retention of content material Importance of Skim and Scan Done while surveying and reviewing Study Guide Helps guide thinking for struggling readers

4 Teaching the Reading of Graphic Aids Graphic Aids are often ignored, but they can contain important information Raw Data, Comparative Data, Descriptive Data, Process Data, Logic or Theoretical Propositions Text independent and text dependent Can be used in SQ3R activity

5 Editorial Features Students must make judgments about an authors message. Students must be taught to make judgments about text EX: Fact or Opinion Words that signal opinion statements Should, Could, May, Maybe, Perhaps, Would, Possibly, If, Might Ask students to put F by fact sentence and O by opinion sentence

6 Technical Reading Characteristics of Technical Reading Involves complex material regarding specific background knowledge More complex that Content Reading Strategies Skim the text to find unknown vocabulary Identify the introductory sentence that communicates the main idea Make a list of ideas you expect to encounter Identify what new information you expect to learn

7 Critical Literacy Traditionally means that a reader comprehends a passage and can judge whether or not the content is valid Encourage students to question the text One must not believe everything he/she reads Essential question: Is this text fair? Drama is a way for students to understand and make decisions about content they read Can address serious issues such as racism and bullying Exercise caution when using drama in the classroom

8 Conclusion GAME

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