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VISION Students and staff at The Hamptons School will be users of a wide variety of technological tools which will integrate with and enhance learning.

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2 VISION Students and staff at The Hamptons School will be users of a wide variety of technological tools which will integrate with and enhance learning for present and future success.

3 BELIEFS  Students need to be technologically competent to be well prepared for the future  Technology use can be inherently enjoyable and motivate further student learning and can improve the quality of a student’s final product or presentation  Learning activities need to be examined to ascertain the appropriate use of technology.  Staff who support the use of technology will better facilitate its infusion into teaching and learning.  Staff development is important to support all staff in their evolving use of information and technology.  Technical support and maintenance are essential in order to maintain an integrated program.

4 GOALS  To meet the goal of the Alberta Program of Studies to enable our students to become: capable information and communication technology users information seekers, analyzers and evaluators problem solvers and decision makers communicators and collaborators informed, responsible and contributing citizens  To use technology in a proper and ethical manner, appropriate to grade level  To facilitate the infusion of technology into school life, including curriculum, the library and school administration

5 Classroom Resources  Each classroom has a pod of computer workstations with access to both black and white, and color printing  All computers are networked to the school server and linked to the CBE wide area network  Wireless connectivity is available throughout the school  A portable lab of laptop computers is available for use in all classrooms  Every classroom has a wall mounted SMARTboard for daily use  Classrooms are equipped with listening centers linked to docking stations with both iPod and CD capability  Digital photography equipment and software is available in each classroom for use by students

6 Technology Outcomes Students will be expected to meet the technology outcomes by the end of Grade 3 as specified in the Alberta curriculum which is divided into three components: 1.Foundational Operations, Knowledge and Concepts 2.Processes for Productivity 3.Communicating, Inquiring Decision Making and Problem Solving For a complete list of general and specific outcomes please click on the following Alberta Education Link:

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