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Mental Health Issues for Refugee Adolescents Monica McEvoy Multicultural Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Candidate Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service.

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Presentation on theme: "Mental Health Issues for Refugee Adolescents Monica McEvoy Multicultural Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Candidate Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mental Health Issues for Refugee Adolescents Monica McEvoy Multicultural Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Candidate Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service

2 Overview Introduction Mental health difficulties experienced by refugee adolescents Risk and protective factors Interventions Case study Diversity in services

3 Mental health difficulties experienced by refugee adolescents Post-traumatic stress disorder Repeated re-living of the trauma Hyperarousal Persistent avoidance of stimuli Complex trauma Developmental impact of exposure and adaptation

4 Mental health difficulties experienced by refugee adolescents (2) Depression, anxiety and grief High levels of depression and anxiety reported Co-morbidity common Additional psychological difficulties Somatic complaints Sleep problems Conduct problems Social withdrawal Attention problems Generalised fear Restlessness and irritability Peer relationships Enduring nature of mental health difficulties

5 Risk and protective factors Risk factors Related to trauma Exposure to war-related trauma Multiple traumatic events Severity of trauma Perception of degree of personal threat Level of personal involvement Unknown fate of missing family members Characteristics of the individual Pre-existing vulnerability Previous conduct problems Previous chronic physical illness

6 Risk and protective factors (2) Risk factors FamilyPoor parental mental health Especially maternal distress Political persecution and imprisonment of father Unaccompanied by family members Post-migration environment Low levels of social support Post-migration stresses Unresolved asylum status Financial hardship Unemployment Frequent moves Language problems Social isolation Racial discrimination

7 Risk and protective factors (3) Protective factors Related to trauma Characteristics of the individual Disposition – good temperament, positive self- esteem, ability to respond to new situations Belief systems – ideological commitment to aims of combatants’ own side and strong Buddhist beliefs FamilyRole of family Cohesion adaptability Post-migration environment High levels of social support

8 Interventions Cognitive behaviour therapy Testimonial psychotherapy Narrative exposure therapy Eye movement desensitisation & reprocessing (EMDR) Pharmacological treatments

9 Diversity in services School Leisure Support to teachers Support to youth focussed services

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