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Best eEurope Practices 5 th framework, IST programs prof. habil. dr. Narimantas Kazimieras Paliulis Vilnius.

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Presentation on theme: "Best eEurope Practices 5 th framework, IST programs prof. habil. dr. Narimantas Kazimieras Paliulis Vilnius."— Presentation transcript:

1 Best eEurope Practices 5 th framework, IST programs prof. habil. dr. Narimantas Kazimieras Paliulis Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

2 Aims of the eEurope Initiative prof. habil. dr. Narimantas Kazimieras Paliulis Vilnius Gediminas Technical University 1. ensuring all European citizens, users and businesses get online 2. creating a digitally literate Europe 3.ensuring that the whole process is socially and regionally inclusive.

3 Aims of the BEEP prof. habil. dr. Narimantas Kazimieras Paliulis Vilnius Gediminas Technical University ”Whatever the challenge, the probability is that somewhere, someone has alredy overcome it. Such is the dynamic of our rapidly evolving Information Society.” New technologies, such as computers and the Internet, affect everybody. We need to adapt our lives, organisations and businesses to meet the many chalanges posed by thesetechnologies and their impact on living and working.

4 Network economy/society challenge prof. habil. dr. Narimantas Kazimieras Paliulis Vilnius Gediminas Technical University TransformationBest (good) practice Take-upNetwork economy/society Readiness Potential use Access Affordability Tech infrastructure Society infrastructure Intensity Transactions Re-engineering Structures/networks Organisation Policies Skills/competencies Impact Efficiency Effectiveness Productivity Inclusion Sustainability Equity ? Societal impact number of adopters

5 Overall aims of Beep prof. habil. dr. Narimantas Kazimieras Paliulis Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Sharing the knowledge embedded in existing activities (i.e. cases, studies, documented experiences, etc.) by developing Internet-based tools and services for benchlearning Addressing the eEurope initiative’s needs for learning lessons and applying them: “learning from the best in Europe... And applying the open method of coordination and benchmarking”. Assistance to users in learning from the successes and mistakes of others.

6 Benchlearning, learning practice and communities of practice prof. habil. dr. Narimantas Kazimieras Paliulis Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Benchmarking -- is essentially a process of measurement or comparison. It identifies the gap between the user’s own performance (if known) and the best (good) performance available. Best (good) practice -- is essentially a qualitative description of how the good performance has been achieved; i.e. which methods, tools, organisation, systems, technology, etc., have been used, how they have been used and with which effects. Benchlearning -- is a relatively new approach which combines the technique of benchmarking with the practical application of knowledge management and organisational learning. Learning practice -- Beep’s approach which provides a large number of good cases (both benchmarked and described), plus learning templates, as inputs to the benchlearning process

7 Beep’s contribution to benchlearning prof. habil. dr. Narimantas Kazimieras Paliulis Vilnius Gediminas Technical University 1 Identify areas needing improvement and agree action 2Set up effective learning team 3Analyse present situation 4Learning and inspiration from good examples BEEP’s learning practice: benchmarking, good practice and learning templates 5Develop new solutions 6Effect improvements 7Follow-up and new initiatives Source: “Benchlearning” by B. Karlöf, K. Lundgren, M.E. Froment, John Wiley & Sons, 2001.

8 Beep Knowledge System = prof. habil. dr. Narimantas Kazimieras Paliulis Vilnius Gediminas Technical University A database of good ”best” practices from which you can learn. All highly structured and codified Will contain approx. 450 – 500 cases. 150 cases from EU Countries Advanced search facilities

9 Beep domains: work and commerce in the Knowledge Economy prof. habil. dr. Narimantas Kazimieras Paliulis Vilnius Gediminas Technical University 1) Work and Skills – focus on individuals, how they work, the skills they need and how work is organised inside the company/organisation: improving skills and competencies improving work structures and processes improving the quality of working life 2) The digital SME – focus on the company as a digital unit in the knowledge economy:  building networks  promoting innovation  using resources  exploiting the market

10 Beep domains: the need for an Information Society for all prof. habil. dr. Narimantas Kazimieras Paliulis Vilnius Gediminas Technical University 3) Social Inclusion – focus on the social digital divide and how it can be mitigated: facilitating access to ICT improving education and training helping disadvantaged groups raising awareness 4) Regional Development – focus on the new role of areas in promoting both wealth and welfare for their businesses and inhabitants: developing regional identity and structures (including e-government) promoting regional economic development supporting regional social cohesion ensuring environmental sustainability

11 prof. habil. dr. Narimantas Kazimieras Paliulis Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

12 Project members Coordinator: Danish Technological Institute (DTI), Denmark. Partners: 1.RAND Europe (RAND), the Netherlands; 2.Martech International (Martech), Belgium; 3.Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo (TID), Spain; 4.Nomisma, Italy; 5.Empirica, Germany. New Accession State Partners: 1.Institute of Economics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences – BAS; 2.IEBASNetU Consultants – NETU; 3.Czech University of Agriculture - Faculty of Economics and Management - CUA-FEM; 4.TREBAG Property and Project Management Ltd. – TREBAG; 5.Vilnius Gediminas Technical University – VGTU; 6.ASM - Market Research and Analysis Centre – ASM; 7.Centre for Urban and Regional Sociology -- CURS-SA; 8.Technical University of Košice – TUK; 9.A.L.P. PECA d.o.o. - ALP PECA;

13 Questions???

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