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Why my iPhone sucks: Screen Scraping the O2 Website Simon Lewis -

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Presentation on theme: "Why my iPhone sucks: Screen Scraping the O2 Website Simon Lewis -"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why my iPhone sucks: Screen Scraping the O2 Website Simon Lewis -

2 Overview Observations about the iPhone Why Screen Scrape? MMS solution Conclusions

3 Good Points (Before the Bashing) Web Browser SSL IMAP Email Client Alarm Clock Timer

4 Bad Points EDGE Bluetooth NO 3G Wet piece of string is better connected (Camera, Phone Interface, Text Message Interface)

5 MMS? (maybe it’s not that popular) ERROR

6 Mocking from O2

7 Message List Window

8 Beautiful Interface?

9 No web service available not optimised for iPhone There must be a better Solution... HTTP interface can be exploited iPhone Mail app is very nice: SSL IMAP Problems: Opportunities:

10 Screen Scraping? Programmatically accessing webpage content Parsing the contents of the page to extract the information you want Need a language suited to text parsing Laziness - one of the principle virtues of a programmer What tools are available? Perl

11 CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network) use Config::IniFiles;use WWW::Mechanize;use Getopt::Long;use MIME::Lite;use YAML qw(LoadFile DumpFile);use Data::Dumper;use CGI qw(:standard);

12 System Overview iPhone 1 2 3 4 5

13 Authentication my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new( autocheck => 1 ); $mech->get( $site_url );$mech->submit_form( form_name => 'fm', fields => { msisdn => $user_name, pin => $user_password });

14 Inbox Listing $mech->content =~ /From:.+? (.+?).+?Subject:.+? (.+?) /s; my @mms_message_links = $mech->find_all_links( url_regex => qr/showMessage/ ); my %unique_mms_links = map { $_, 1 } map { $_->url_abs } @mms_message_links;

15 Iterating through MMS for my $option (@other_options){ $mech->current_form- >value('selectedItem', $option); $mech->submit(); $filename = "/tmp/mms$message_part"; open $fh, "> $filename" or die "$filename: $!"; binmode $fh; print $fh $mech->content; close $fh; $mms_details->{$filename} = $mech->ct(); $mech->back();}

16 Creating the Email my $msg = MIME::Lite->new( From =>"$sender", To =>"$mail_recipient", Subject =>"$subject", Type =>'multipart/mixed'); for my $part (keys %$mms_details) { ( my $nice_name = $part) =~ s!^/tmp/!!; if ($mms_details->{$part} eq 'image/jpeg') { $msg->attach(Type =>'image/jpeg', Path => $part, Filename =>"$nice_name.jpeg", Disposition => 'attachment'); }} $msg->send;

17 Receiving MMS via Email

18 Conclusions CPAN had all the modules needed to automate interaction Messages on the O2 website expire. Email provides a good way to archive content WWW::Mechanize is very useful Radio buttons were the biggest challenge

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