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Allison Curran Lost to Follow-up. About Me Communication Sciences and Disorders major- 4th year From Brandon, FL Applying to Au.D. programs Some knowledge.

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Presentation on theme: "Allison Curran Lost to Follow-up. About Me Communication Sciences and Disorders major- 4th year From Brandon, FL Applying to Au.D. programs Some knowledge."— Presentation transcript:

1 Allison Curran Lost to Follow-up

2 About Me Communication Sciences and Disorders major- 4th year From Brandon, FL Applying to Au.D. programs Some knowledge of ASL Congenital mild-moderate sensorineural hearing loss o HL in family: Deafness, Alport, general hearing impairment



5 Screened and diagnosed in 4th grade Re-tested and fit with HA at 18 y/o o 9 year gap between detection and intervention Key difference between both experiences: clinician skills o Personal reaction o Family reaction o Lack of information My Hearing Loss

6 Academic o Middle school o High school: more challenging  Did well, but not easily  Getting called on in class “Alyssa” and AP Chemistry Social o Avoid certain situations o More shy and avoidant o Nickname “grandma” o Anxiety meeting people (college) Experiences

7 Unintentional o Lip reading o Context clues o Facing the speaker o Uses a lot of energy! Intentional o Subway o AP Chem class o Closed Captions  Amelie o Simply asking to repeat and/or speak up Compensatory Strategies

8 Hearing Aids Bilateral Oticon Dual Mini Custom fit micro-mold (closed fit) Capabilities o Address main concerns: functional and discreet o Very basic: no Bluetooth, FM, or telecoil, etc. o Programs change based on situation (quiet, conversational, restaurant, wind) Adjustment period


10 Importance of clinician role in early intervention Hearing loss affects children both socially and academically Conclusion

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