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BLACK RHINO By: Mack Physical Characteristics  Adults weigh from 2000 to 4000 Lb.  2 horns, front horn 53 in. long  Moves up to 35 mph. when charging.

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3 Physical Characteristics  Adults weigh from 2000 to 4000 Lb.  2 horns, front horn 53 in. long  Moves up to 35 mph. when charging

4 Habitats/Diet  Herbivore  Lives in the mountains, forests, and savannas in Africa

5 Why is the black rhino endangered  baby rhinos are getting killed before adulthood  Getting killed by poachers for valuable horns

6 How to save the black rhino  Stop hunting black rhinos  Raise them in zoos

7 Fun facts  They fight fight each other for dominance  They roll in mud to keep cool and keep away bugs that could bite them  Can survive 4 days without water

8 Bibliography  mmals/black-rhinoceros/?source=A-to-Z mmals/black-rhinoceros/?source=A-to-Z  M&sp=400 M&sp=400  Endangered Rhinoceros by Bobbie Kalman

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