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Prefix, Suffix and Root Words

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Presentation on theme: "Prefix, Suffix and Root Words"— Presentation transcript:

1 Prefix, Suffix and Root Words

2 Introduction A- Ab- -asis Cephal- Dis- E- Homeo- 8. Integu- -stat

3 Chemistry Aero- -ase Cata- Iso- Co- -lysis Mono- Poly- -able Acu-

4 Cells -cyte- Cyto- Di- Extra- Mito- lipid/o- -Philic -phobic Glyco-

5 Tissues Adipo- Chondr- hist- -logy -ose Api- 7. Squam- Stria- Cardio-

6 Integumentary System Ecto- -edem- 7. Cutic- Melano- 8. Cyano- Pyo-
Sarco- Viscer- 7. Cutic- 8. Cyano- 9. Andro- 10. Carcin-

7 Skeletal System Acro Arthr- -blast- -clast- Infra- -liga- -osis Osteo-
Peri- Sym-

8 Muscular System Inter- Myo- Sarco- -troph- Hyper- Sclero- -osis Dys-
Bucco- -asthenia

9 Nervous System -ferrent Narco- Soma Auto- Cerebro- Neuro- 7. -al
8. Hypo- Glosso- Sym-

10 Senses -op- Ophthalm- Oto- Rhin0- -rrhea Mechano Chemo- Noci- Chrono-

11 Endocrine Adeno- Somato- -tropic -crine -ary -oid -itis Ad- Glyco-

12 Blood Erythro- Hem- Leuko- Phleb- Sangui- Septi Anti- -gen -emia A-

13 Circulatory System Angio- Brady- -c Cardio- -emia -pathy Sclero-
Steno- Tachy- Vene-

14 Respiratory System -pne- Pneumo- Pulmon0- Rhino- -plas -tomy Pleur-
Viscer- -osa Eu-

15 Digestive System Chol- Copro- Gastro- Gloss- Hepato- -ase -itis
Procto- -rrhea -ectomy


17 Reproduction Andro- -cele Colpo- Crypto- Dys- Ec- Hyster- Lact-

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