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Purpose and Audience Close Reading. Purpose Purpose means what the text is for.. Ask yourself, Why has it been written? Why is it being said?

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Presentation on theme: "Purpose and Audience Close Reading. Purpose Purpose means what the text is for.. Ask yourself, Why has it been written? Why is it being said?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Purpose and Audience Close Reading

2 Purpose Purpose means what the text is for.. Ask yourself, Why has it been written? Why is it being said?

3 PURPOSEEXAMPLES OF TEXTS To EntertainFilms, cartoons, comics To InformNewspaper articles, non- fiction stories, documentaries To PersuadeDiscursive writing, debates, donations, political stories To InstructHow to guides, cookbooks, manuals, first aid books! To RecountDiary entries, journals To EvaluateSchool reports, science reports

4 AUDIENCE Who is the text for? Who is supposed to read it? Who would be interested in it? Young/old/teenagers Male/female People interested in certain interest/hobbies …..

5 Register Register: refers to language choices used  Are the words used FORMAL OR INFORMAL?  Is it conversational and relaxed … or full of technical terms and jargon

6 Example: Ebola Article 1Article 2 Purpose (Evidence) Audience (Evidence

7 What is the purpose/audience of …. Evidence: How do you know this?

8 What is the purpose/audience of … What do you think the register will be?

9 What is the purpose of …

10 Purpose, Audience (A trickier one!!)

11 What is the purpose/audience/register of …



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