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What do my photos say about me? Well go to the next slide and ill tell ya, ya dingus!

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Presentation on theme: "What do my photos say about me? Well go to the next slide and ill tell ya, ya dingus!"— Presentation transcript:

1 What do my photos say about me? Well go to the next slide and ill tell ya, ya dingus!

2 I like to take close up pictures of things. I think it’s easier to make it look good with the right kind of angle. With landscapes and profiles of cars and stuff you have to work harder for the photo to get the right angle. With close ups like these its easier to move your camera and take the extra 2 seconds to get that perfect shot.

3 My favorite 2 photos of the semester This is my best photo. I like it so much because of the way I edited it. It took a long time to edit and since I took my time im happy with the outcome. With a lot of photos I just change up the lighting settings but with this one I kind of highlighted the main subjects which is the ball and the grass.

4 My favorite 2 photos of the semester This is my second favorite photo. I like this one so much because of…. You guessed it: the way I edited it. I pretty much just changed the contrast and saturation to make it look like the dirt of the flower isnt dirt but it now looks as if the flower is burning. Also I put some pretty cool flames. Every photo deserves something cool like flames!

5 What kinds of photos do I not like to take? My least favorite kind of photo to take is landscape. Landscape is my least favorite because I feel like it’s really hard to make a story out of a mountain. Maybe some people just take photos of scenery because its beautiful but I don’t see that in landscape. I take pictures of ugly things like: a lonesome lacrosse ball and a dirty flower to make them beautiful and to tell a story about why they’re so beautiful. The lacrosse ball is all alone where there is a lot of grass. The flower is burning but just because it’s burning doesn’t mean that the flames will stop it from being a beautiful flower.

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