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Mark Dixon 1 08 – In-class test. Mark Dixon 2 In-class Test Date: Wednesday 16 th November 2011 Time: 09:05-10:55 Location: SMB109 Type: Individual 40%

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Presentation on theme: "Mark Dixon 1 08 – In-class test. Mark Dixon 2 In-class Test Date: Wednesday 16 th November 2011 Time: 09:05-10:55 Location: SMB109 Type: Individual 40%"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mark Dixon 1 08 – In-class test

2 Mark Dixon 2 In-class Test Date: Wednesday 16 th November 2011 Time: 09:05-10:55 Location: SMB109 Type: Individual 40% of module mark Open book: Web-site: Printed slides Robbins J (2006) HTML & XHTML Pocket Reference (3rd edition). O'Reilly. ISBN: 978-0-596-52727-3 Bergsten H (2001) JavaServer Pages Pocket Reference. O'Reilly. ISBN: 978-0-596-00231-2 Gennick J (2006) SQL Pocket Guide (2nd edition). O'Reilly. ISBN: 978-0-596-52688-7 Google Do not:  Communication with other people (students) by any means (i.e. face-to-face, phone, text, email, chat rooms, forums, etc.)

3 Mark Dixon 3 Example: Blood Alcohol Level SPECIFICATION User Requirements –need to know blood alcohol content (BAC), given the number of pints of beer consumed, the strength of the beer, and the body weight of the person consuming the beer Software Requirements –Functional: –User should be able to enter the number of pints, strength (in %), and body weight (in kg) –the amount of alcohol consumed (in ml, units, and mg), and the BAC (in mg/100ml) should be calculated and displayed –Non-functional must use JSP server-side code (not JavaScript)

4 Mark Dixon 4 Example: Blood Alcohol Level 1.Calculate amount of alcohol consumed in ml = pints × 568 × (strength ÷ 100) 2.Calculate this in units = ml ÷ 10 3.Calculate this in mg = units × 7890 4.Calculate BAC = mg ÷ (weight × 7.5) 1 pint = 568ml 1 unit = 10ml (in UK) 1 unit = 7890 mg

5 Mark Dixon 5 Example: PACS SPECIFICATION User Requirements –Manage patient information Software Requirements –Functional: –Patient List page: should list all patients' surnames and forenames in the database (each item should be a link to the patient page). –Patient page: should list all details for specific patient. –Non-functional must use JSP server-side code (not JavaScript) PACS.mdb in Resources on web-site

6 Mark Dixon 6 Marking Scheme Total40 marks Blood Alcohol Level 20 marks –HTML (10 marks) –Java code (10 marks) PACS 20 marks –List page (10 marks) –Details page (10 marks)

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