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The Planning and Implementation Cycle The Ferl Practitioners’ Programme Transforming Teaching and Learning with ILT Q4.3.

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Presentation on theme: "The Planning and Implementation Cycle The Ferl Practitioners’ Programme Transforming Teaching and Learning with ILT Q4.3."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Planning and Implementation Cycle The Ferl Practitioners’ Programme Transforming Teaching and Learning with ILT Q4.3

2 The Planning and Implementation Cycle Q4.3

3 Micro level to Macro level and back again The Planning and Implementation Cycle Q4.3

4 Practitioner/individual Department/faculty/school Organisation Region The amount of detail and the format of the planning cycle will vary according to where it sits on the micro/macro scale The Planning and Implementation Cycle Q4.3

5 From micro to macro and back again Practitioner individual Practitioners, department/faculty /school Organisation Region -an ILT activity or session (a lesson, simple content production, compiling a list of web sites, on-line facilitation for a cohort of learners) -activity involving two or more practitioners, mini- project across one department (a needs analysis, staff development on using a VLE, basic content production for a curriculum area) -cross-departmental activity, cross-organisation activity, medium to large sized project (roll-out of VLE/intranet, adding an large on-line element to an existing programme, more complex resource creation) -regional activity large-scale project involving two or more institutions (implementing a common Learning Platform across organisations in a region, developing a common programme of learning) The Planning and Implementation Cycle Q4.3

6 Identify Plan Implement Review Analyse Disseminate The Planning and Implementation Cycle Q4.3

7 Identify and Analyse Why carry out the activity? Do you need to research the issues further? Are you clear who your audience are? What are the teaching and learning outcomes of the activity? How does it fit in with your other activities: within your lesson plan, scheme of work, college strategy? Practitioner (on an individual level) Practitioners, department/faculty/ school Organisation Region Recommended model a discrete ILT activity; a mini-project The Planning and Implementation Cycle Q4.3

8 Plan Can the outcomes of the activity be improved by the use of various technologies? If yes, which technologies would be appropriate? Can you arrange access to these technologies in relation to the activity? Who else needs to be involved? Have you time to prepare for the activity and carry it out? Is there a cost involved? Practitioner (on an individual level) Practitioners, department/faculty/ school Organisation Region The Planning and Implementation Cycle Q4.3

9 Implement Do you now have the resources to carry out the activity (physical location, time, learning materials, equipment, software)? Who else is involved in the supporting or delivery of the activity? Do you have any back-up plans in case the technology fails? Practitioner (on an individual level) Practitioners, department/faculty/ school Organisation Region The Planning and Implementation Cycle Q4.3

10 Review and Disseminate Did your activity meet its outcomes? What worked and didn’t work with regard to the activity? What worked and didn’t work with regard to the planning cycle? What improvements would you make if you carried out a similar activity in the future? What next? Practitioner (on an individual level) Practitioners, department/faculty/ school Organisation Region The Planning and Implementation Cycle Q4.3

11 Moving from micro to macro Practitioner (on an individual level) Practitioners, department/faculty/ school Organisation Region Requires more planning Requires more detail Requires more structure Recommended model a project The Planning and Implementation Cycle Q4.3

12 Identify and Analyse Why carry out the project? What is its major aim and purpose? Do you know who your audience are? What are the teaching and learning outcomes of the project? How does it fit in with other activities: within your scheme of work, the department’s objectives? the organisation’s objectives? regional objectives (if applicable)? Who needs to be involved in the planning? Practitioner (on an individual level) Practitioners, department/faculty/ school Organisation Region The Planning and Implementation Cycle Q4.3

13 Plan Who is responsible for managing or co-ordinating the project? What are the roles and responsibilities required to achieve the project objectives? Who else needs to be involved in the implementation? What resources are required and affordable within project budget? Who will write the project plan? Practitioner (on an individual level) Practitioners, department/faculty/ school Organisation Region The Planning and Implementation Cycle Q4.3

14 Plan What are the tasks and steps required to achieve the project outcomes? What are the processes that need to be in place? communication pathways? budgets? payments? meetings schedule? sign off procedures? tracking? reporting? evaluation? marketing? dissemination? Is the project big enough to require recognised methodologies? PRINCE? Practitioner (on an individual level) Practitioners, department/faculty/ school Organisation Region The Planning and Implementation Cycle Q4.3

15 Implement What resources do you actually have available on the project? Are the planned steps and processes being carried out? How would you know? Have you any contingency plans in case the project falls behind schedule or projected resources fail to materialise? Practitioner (on an individual level) Practitioners, department/faculty/ school Organisation Region The Planning and Implementation Cycle Q4.3

16 Review and Disseminate Did your project meet its intended outcomes? What worked and didn’t work with regard to the project? What worked and didn’t work with regard to the planning cycle? What improvements would you make if you carried out a similar project in the future? What next? Practitioner (on an individual level) Practitioners, department/faculty/ school Organisation Region The Planning and Implementation Cycle Q4.3

17 Conclusion - three levels of ILT activity Small sized activity; single ILT event, mini- project A large sized activity; large scale project Medium sized activity; medium scale project Q4.3 The ultimate purpose of all ILT-related activities is to benefit the learner The Planning and Implementation Cycle

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